
Who will pull the plug?

The armed peace in the yellow-green majority could live on even after weeks of tensions, but with other characters in charge

Italy's Minister of Labor and Industry Luigi Di Maio gestures next to Interior Minister Matteo Salvini after the sworn-in ceremony at the Quirinal palace in Rome, Italy, June 1, 2018. REUTERS/Remo Casilli

The armed peace in the yellow-green majority could live on even after weeks of tensions, but with other characters in charge

“I hope that after 26 May things will be back to normal”. The deputy prime minister of the Five Star Movement (5SM) Luigi Di Maio vented his frustration in this way just a week before the European vote, referring to his government ally of the League. This was thus the culmination of the electoral campaign that everyone had been expected to be more low key and had instead highlighted the fundamental incoherence of a majority in which the partners were so much at odds.

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