
The myth of the Flat Tax

The devil is in the detail: how many know, for example, that Salvini’s Flat Tax discourages employment for women?

Matteo Salvini during a demonstration in Milan shows a placard that says ‘15%’. REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo/Contrast

The devil is in the detail: how many know, for example, that Salvini’s Flat Tax discourages employment for women?

“Thirty billion, documented cent by cent by the League’s economists”. Salvini‘s post-electoral campaign on the flat tax has all the right ingredients: a tried and trusted communication technique, a simple proposal and exceptional testimonials. The technique involves speaking directly to the people with all the means at his disposal, whether social of physical, without any annoying intermediaries, seeing as he risks coming unstuck by the first question posed any vaguely discerning journalist. The proposal is, as the name suggests, the simplest of “flat taxes”, first conceived in 1962 by the economist Milton Freedman, the father (at the time) of neo-liberalism; the title of the essay was “Capitalism and Freedom” and there’s reason to doubt that anyone in Salvini’s entourage has actually read it – although the title could turn out to be useful for the social communication team known as “the beast”. The testimonials are unwitting: Jean Claude Juncker, Pierre Moscovici, Valdis Dombrovkis, meaning the outgoing top management of the European Commission’s economic policies, to which one will surely be adding the newly appointed ones. They do their job, meaning that they note that on paper Italy’s public accounts are out of control and therefore there’s no money to fund the flat tax promised to come into force by 2020. In fact, before it even gets a mention Italy may be called upon to answer for what it did and didn’t do in the 2019 budget. What we talking about is “infringement procedures”, and if formally announced this would be the first time in the European Union and a disaster for Italy.  But that doesn’t mean it would be a disaster for Salvini and his League. In fact, for the time being, it’s a powerful diversion that enables their propaganda machine to keep waving their flat tax flag that billows in the wind of the future, loved and yearned after by all, but opposed by Brussels bureaucrats. If it doesn’t happen, it will be their fault – this is the implicit message in Salvini’s propaganda.

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