
Forget Crimea

The recent meeting between Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin is just the latest attempt by a European leader to bring Russia closer. They discussed sanctions, the Donbass and the Minsk agreements. What about Crimea?

The recent meeting between Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin is just the latest attempt by a European leader to bring Russia closer. They discussed sanctions, the Donbass and the Minsk agreements. What about Crimea?

Angela Merkel is not the first trying to find a way to go back to business with Moscow and save her face, although she’s been so far one of the vocal critics of Putin’s foreign policy. Formally, the position of Moscow’s first commercial partner in Europe hasn’t changed. Merkel said it is important to go back dealing with Moscow (read: do business) but that the Kremlin’s support toseparatists in Donbass is an obstacle that must be overcome. Merkel, as was foreseeable, also indicated the way: the Minsk agreements. “I hope to arrive at the withdrawal of sanctions against Russia, following the implementation of the Minsk agreements,” she said at a press conference.

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