
A drawn out status quo

There’s an urgent need for radical structural reform to add new zest to a country that is certainly not devoid of capacity, intelligence and competence

Mario Draghi and Angela Merkel during a European summit. In Germany many blame the European Central Bank for the low interest rates that are detrimental to bank profits and pension funds. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/Contrast

There’s an urgent need for radical structural reform to add new zest to a country that is certainly not devoid of capacity, intelligence and competence

The superstars are losing their lustre and ageing: the major German industrial manufacturers are still big names but they are champions of the century past, way behind the cutting technological edge where the future is played out. German banks suffer more than others due to the lowest interest rates in the world, negative in the Eurozone and their profitability is too low. China, so often pandered to by Angela Merkel, is slowing and so are exports along the Duisburg-Chongqing rail link and out of the port of Hamburg. In Berlin, politics is becoming more and more introverted every day, as it clings to a Grosse Koalition that clearly has little more to give to a country, and is perhaps holding it back. The anchor of European stability for the last decade – shaped along the lines of German supremacy and the figure of Chancellor Angela Merkel – is reaching the end of its cycle. In 2019 it has come to realise it is no longer a bulwark. This is not good news: a strong Germany that knows its way forward is highly preferable to an uncertain and bumbling one.

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