
The Green wave

A united European Green front is the only way to deal with the climate emergency along with the other major global partners

The leaders of the German Green Party Henrike Hahn, Robert Habeck and Anton Hofreiter celebrating in Munich. REUTERS/Andreas Gebert/Contrast

A united European Green front is the only way to deal with the climate emergency along with the other major global partners

In a poll taken by the public television network ARD on 6 June last, the Grünen obtained 26% of the votes in Germany, while the Union of CDU and CSU were only assigned 25%. A major breakthrough. After coming a surprising second in the regional elections in Bavaria last October and securing an unexpected 20% (21 seats) in the latest EU elections, the German Green party are riding high. The media keep asking themselves whether Angela Merkel might be replaced by a Green Chancellor. In the meantime, in Brussels and Strasbourg, the Greens will be a leading  force in a European group, the Greens/EFA, that will have greater numbers than expected: 75 seats in total, 23 more compared to 2014. A Euro-party that will certainly carry weight in a very kaleidoscopic parliament that at this point is no longer dominated by the two traditional groupings of the People’s Party and the Socialists. The German Greens will be joined by forces from other countries: the French of EELV (Europe Écologie – Les Verts, who collected 13.47% of the vote, 12 seats), the United Kingdom Green Party (11.77%, 7 seats), and by the green parties (or members of Green/EFA) of Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Holland, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and the Czech Republic.

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