
Iran, middle class challenges

Sports car, lowered suspension, leather seats precisely protected by plastic from the factory: traveling alongside those old style Paykan still in circulation, it moves with its rumbling engine in the gymkhana of Tehran traffic.

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Sports car, lowered suspension, leather seats precisely protected by plastic from the factory: traveling alongside those old style Paykan still in circulation, it moves with its rumbling engine in the gymkhana of Tehran traffic.

It is an image that has been representing part of Iran for years: that of the new rich, raised in an environment of a poorly defined opulence, starting from 2009 onwards. While bread and chicken prices were tripling, luxury cars (which cost up to three times more than abroad) and their drivers – the parvenus, sons of an underground economy – thronged the streets of the largest city, catapulted into an unprecedented dimension of wealth never seen until then.

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