
Is Putin really rooting for Brexit?

He’s said to secretly hope for Britain to leave the EU, to wait for Brexit as the perfect gift for him, to be happy if tomorrow the “Leave” wins, but so far the only one who remained silent about the referendum is Vladimir Putin.

To be true, at the end he expressed his opinion on the referendum: a shrug. “I want to say it is none of our business, it is the business of the people of the UK”, he said answering a question at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. “I have my own opinion on this matter“, he added, refusing to say what it is.

The weirdest thing is that, among the many leaders and heads of state who gave their opinion on the referendum for UK to leave or remain in European Union – like Barack Obama and Angela Merkel among all – Vladimir Putin has been blamed of having machinations and hidden agenda, without ever saying anything.

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