
NATO and Russia, are we approaching the point of no return?

Diplomatic relations between Russia and NATO hit a new record low as Russia announces to suspend the work of its permanent mission to the Atlantic Alliance in Brussels and that of NATO diplomats in Moscow. Is this part of the usual ‘tit-for-tat’ or will it be game over?

Diplomatic relations between Russia and NATO hit a new record low as Russia announces to suspend the work of its permanent mission to the Atlantic Alliance in Brussels and that of NATO diplomats in Moscow. Is this part of the usual ‘tit-for-tat’ or will it be game over?

As of November 1, 2021, Russia will suspend its permanent mission to NATO due to a lack of “proper conditions for basic diplomatic activities”. Viceversa, diplomats of the Atlantic Alliance to the Military Liaison Mission and information office in Moscow will see their accreditation revoked. This was stated on Monday, October 18, by the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, after having previously notified the international secretariat of the Alliance.

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