
Nowadays the Finnish education is a brand that sells more than furniture

Already in 2006, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)  acknowledged     the high level reached from Finnish Education when it comes to study opportunities, teaching quality and professional results. In the report it was stated that this kind of education helps students to understand rather than to repeat. The latest news is that education is becoming a real export item to global markets. Entire countries are willing to take the Finnish education in their homeland (almost like a television format) as this teaching system since 2012 has become one of the most effective brands, emulated in the world (in the United Arab Emirates dozens of Finnish teachers work as consultants).

Already in 2006, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)  acknowledged     the high level reached from Finnish Education when it comes to study opportunities, teaching quality and professional results. In the report it was stated that this kind of education helps students to understand rather than to repeat. The latest news is that education is becoming a real export item to global markets. Entire countries are willing to take the Finnish education in their homeland (almost like a television format) as this teaching system since 2012 has become one of the most effective brands, emulated in the world (in the United Arab Emirates dozens of Finnish teachers work as consultants).

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