
Obama in Cuba writes history with a strategy

The US president Barack Obama began 20 March his official visit in Havana marking a historic turning point in the relations between Cuba and the United States. Tensions between the decade-long enemies sealed the fate of Latin America for more than fifty years, and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

 It’s been 88 years since an American sitting president last visited the Caribbean neighboring country. That was Calvin Coolidge in 1928 on a destroyer. Obama  arrived Sunday in Havana with his family and a large group of MPs and CEOs of some major business groups. A crowd of curious and astonished Cubans full of hope  welcomed and cheered him and his family along a relaxed walk  in Old Havana admiring the ancient but freshly painted buildings, the music, the colors. On many balconies, unimaginable until recently, the Cuban flag waved next to the Stars and Stripes.

In contrast to the excitement among the people of Cuba and the historical significance much of the world press attached to the event, the main official newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party, Granma, welcomed Obama with  a long editorial stating that it was “the first time that a US president arrived in a sovereign Cuba with the Revolution in power” and “not willing to abandon its anti-imperialist ideals”.

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