
“Open Balkan” initiative, an alternative to EU

Closed gates of the European Union led to "Open Balkan" initiative, the idea of forming a common market for countries waiting for EU membership, previously known as "Mini-Schengen Area"

Closed gates of the European Union led to “Open Balkan” initiative, the idea of forming a common market for countries waiting for EU membership, previously known as “Mini-Schengen Area”

With a long series of dissappointments and Macron’s stalling of the EU Enlargement process, the region of western Balkans has found itself abandoned, grasping for an economic straw to save themselves from drowning in unending debt. To many political leaders in the region, it seems that the road to “promised land” is only becoming longer and more exhausting, which drastically limits their campaign programmes and leads to a substantial loss of their electorate. The ever growing need for alternatives is becoming evident, in the region marked by a turbulent past and uncertain future.

Not One Inch (South-)Eastward

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