
Russia and the Minsk agreements

Ukraine is a geopolitical game between Russia and the West. And it has winners and losers. The recent Minsk II agreements were yet another game in which Russia has moved wisely their pieces. Meanwhile, the moves and countermoves of diplomacy end up obscuring the war and its dead toll.

One day a Russian-Ukrainian friend of mine asked me why, in my opinion, if there is war in Ukraine everyone is talking about Putin, Obama and their fellows. The answer I gave is pretty much this. When you comment a chess game, all eyes are on the players and their moves. Nobody ever talks about the chessboard itself. Here, Ukraine is a bit this, the chessboard on which the great powers move their pieces. And it’s cynically obvious that the reality runs in the background.
The agreements made by the “Normandy format” last week in Minsk have decreed winners and losers. A week later, we can already draw a first balance and try to figure out who made the right moves and who didn’t.


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