
Stalin whitewashing

The return of the Soviet grandeur touches the strings of nostalgija in the elderly and provides historical revisionism for young people. The whitewashing of Stalin's crimes has reached new levels, and more and more Russians now think that Uncle Joe was not so bad.

The Kremlin hasn’t lost the habit of rewriting history. After the Second World War, which in Russia is called the Great Patriotic War, after the fall of the USSR – the greatest catastrophe of the twentieth century, according to Putin – it’s now the time for Stalin. The bloodthirsty dictator who because of his paranoia caused the death of tens of millions of people; the man who did not hesitate to let his son die in the hands of the Nazis; the one who brought the Gulag system to the efficiency of the Great Terror, is increasingly being portrayed as the most patriotic among Russian patriots. In spite of the memory of millions of victims.


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