
The growing threat of Islamic State in Somalia

After more than a year and a half from the oath of allegiance to the Caliphate, Shabaab's splinter faction, become the branch of the Islamic State in the Horn of Africa, has committed its first suicidal action in Somalia.

Abdulqadr Mumim, center, with red beard. Image from an Islamic State video showing a training camp in Puntland.

After more than a year and a half from the oath of allegiance to the Caliphate, Shabaab’s splinter faction, become the branch of the Islamic State in the Horn of Africa, has committed its first suicidal action in Somalia.

The attack took place Tuesday in the port city of Bosaso, in the semi-autonomous Puntland region, where a kamikaze exploded against a checkpoint causing the death of a security officer and four civilians.

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