
The pagans are back

The Rodnovery stand once more behind their swastika. They’ve taken up arms to fight the Kiev government.

The Rodnovery stand once more behind their swastika. They’ve taken up arms to fight the Kiev government.

Rod appears at the end of the clearing. His wooden moustache and long hair, reminiscent of an image of the Germanic god Odin, sum up the classical iconography of the northern European pagan divinities. Rod, the supreme god of life. The totem is flanked by two other wood carvings. One is of Svarog, the god of light and fire, forger of the solar disk. The other is of Lada, the goddess of love and fertility, also known as the goddess of flowers. These wooden totems are in the Petrovsky district, not far from the combat zone that, despite the current truce, still witness clashes between separatist militias and government army troops.

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