
US engaged in a new Cold war with Russia and China as tensions rise across Eurasia

As NATO eyes Ukraine and diplomatic manoeuvres in the Indo-Pacific create a stranglehold around China, the new cold war seems to be heating up as the US re-implements its old cold war strategies

Relations between Washington and Moscow have been degrading since the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014, and tensions with Beijing have escalated since 2020 due to Covid-19, the Hong Kong national security law, and Chinese brinkmanship over Taiwan. The US has responded by advancing NATO interests in Eastern Europe, and by increasing its presence across the Indo-Pacific, tightening the noose around both Russia and China.

These seemingly new geostrategic movements date back to the mid 20th century, where three strategies were conceptualised, rollback, containment, and détente. Out of these stratagems; containment seems to be the go-to in this new 21st century cold war. A question arises, however, is containment the correct policy for the US to pursue, and will it work?

NATO in Ukraine?

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