
US, the useless superpower

The US health system has not defended public health. On the contrary, Covid-19 pandemic has showed the blatant healthcare inequalities between Counties and neighbourhoods and, therefore, the census disparities

In September 2019, the President Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers issued a report which showed the potential magnitude of the health and economic effects of a hypothetical pandemic in the US. The Council warned that the private market’s incentives were insufficient for the developing of new vaccines within the time that would have been required.

This, however, was just one among the many warnings issued by several agencies and experts to the Trump administration, before and during the pandemic. Therefore, one of the main causes that led to the disastrous American response to the pandemic was surely represented by President Trump’s refusal to listen a whole series of alarms or even to have shut down them. During his three years of administration, the President tried many times to cut the Center for Disease Control’s funds – an agency whose task is precisely to monitor the spread of infective diseases in the US and the world – and he was stopped only by the Democrats’ opposition. The Center was nevertheless severely depowered over the years. For example, bringing back home a scientist who was working at the Chinese corresponding agency – who could have been a useful lookout at the end of 2019.

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