
What does the extension of sanctions against Russia means

Last week, the Italian stance against the automatic renewal of EU’s sanctions against Russia made headlines. Then the 28 unanimously agreed to a six-month extension. Now, the Italian PM Matteo Renzi points his finger on the Nord Stream 2 submarine pipeline linking Russia to Germany. What is happening?

Last week, the Italian stance against the automatic renewal of EU’s sanctions against Russia made headlines. Then the 28 unanimously agreed to a six-month extension. Now, the Italian PM Matteo Renzi points his finger on the Nord Stream 2 submarine pipeline linking Russia to Germany. What is happening?

Let’s start from the end. The 28 EU countries unanimously decided to extend economic sanctions against Russia for six more months. Sanctions, that were issued for a period of one year and due to expire at the end of January, now will remain in force until July. Unless further renewals. Restrictions involve the supply of weapons, military equipment and high technology in general, as well as technologies related to the oil industry.

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