
Using the VRIN model

Using the Vrin framework, we can assess these distinctive capabilities and see whether or not they are source of competitive advantage for winelivery.

The Vrin model starts by assessing the value of a company’s capabilities, and then follows with rarity, inimitability and non-substitutability. It works on an increasing base of sustainable competitive advantage; in other words, only if a firm’s capabilities meet the 4 criteria they are considered to be sources of a competitive advantage that is sustainable over time.

Questo contenuto è riservato agli abbonati

Abbonati per un anno a tutti i contenuti del sito e all'edizione cartacea + digitale della rivista di geopolitica

Abbonati ora €35

Abbonati per un anno alla versione digitale della rivista di geopolitica

Abbonati ora €15


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International competition

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rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo