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Disclaimer – workshop

I consent to the Processing of my data in order that:  ā€¢ EWEI may get in touch with me regarding my candidacy (directly) using electronic communication services (e-mail, text/video message, messaging services, phone and ā€¢ I also give my consent to the use of my personal data which belongs to the EWEI including my browsing and consumer details (i.e. acquired through cookies, web beacons, programme data and booking information), in order to identify the areas that are of most interest to me, so that I may receive  information and commercial specially tailored to my tastes. Detailed information on the content and the extent of the processing of my data and on the content of the communications and offers are available in the Privacy Policy on this site

Privacy Policy – Unicredit

PRIVACY NOTICE ON THE PROCESSING AND PROTECTION OF THE CANDIDATES PERSONAL DATA PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 13 AND 14 OF THE GENERAL REGULATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA The purpose of the following privacy notice is to provide an overview of the use of your personal data by UniCredit SpA and your rights pursuant to the General Regulation on Protection of Personal Data – EU Regulation 2016/679 (henceforth also GDPR). DATA CONTROLLER AND DATA PROTECTION OFFICER The Data Processing Controller is UniCredit S.p.A- with legal headquarters in Piazza Gae Aulenti n. 3, Tower A, 20154 Milano (UniCredit). The Data Protection Officer (DPO) may be contacted via: UniCredit S.p.A. Data Protection Office, Piazza Gae Aulenti n. 1, Tower B, 20154 Milano, E-mail:, PEC: PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS FOR THE PROCESSING UniCredit processes the personal data in its possession, collected directly from the data subject, or by third parties, for the following purposes: Processing of the data you have conferred in order to enable you to take part in the DesiGenZ event. This need represents the legal basis that justifies the relative processing. The conferral of the personal details required for said purposes is non sei compulsory, however, failure to provide them may entail the impossibility of taking part in the event. Processing of the data you have conferred in order to enable you to be selected to enter into an employment or collaboration relationship (including, by way of example, a traineeship) with UniCredit S.p.A. In particular, your personal data may be processed to enable your participation in interviews and/or tests (in a classroom and/or online) that, by way of example, are designed to assess your professional aptitude or your level of understanding of the English language etc. The legal basis that justifies the processing is your consent, which you are free to provide or non sei and that you may in any case revoke at any time.The conferral of the personal data required for this purpose is non sei compulsory, but failure to provide them will entail the impossibility of taking part in the aforementioned interviews and/or valuation tests and, as a result, to participate in the selection process. Processing of the data you have conferred including the images and the photos taken during the event that will be published on the UniCredit and other sites managed by third parties over which UniCredit has no control such as Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. The legal basis that justifies the processing is your consent, which you are free to provide or non sei and that you may in any case revoke at any time. The conferral of the data required to these ends is non sei compulsory and the failure to provide the same shall non sei in any way prejudice your participation in the event. CATEGORIES OF DATA PROCESSED UniCredit processes personal data collected directly from you, or from third parties, that include, by way of example, biographical data (i.e. name, surname, address, data and place of birth), contact data (i.e. e-mail address, land line and mobile phone numbers) as well as data related to your Curriculum Vitae. BENEFICIERIES OR CATEGORIES OF BENENEFICIARIES OF PERSONAL DATA Natural persons or legal entities including in the list which may be consulted in the Privacy section of the website, may become privy to your data as data processors, as well as the natural persons belonging to the following categories who have been authorised to process the personal data, relative to the data required to perform the tasks assigned to them: employees or outsourced workers or trainees assigned to UniCredit’s HR function, consultants and other natural persons who are occasionally assigned to UniCreditā€™s HR function; employees, temporary employees, trainees and consultants of external companies appointed by the data processors. TRANSFERRAL OF DATA TO THIRD COUNTRIES UniCredit informs you that the personal data may even be transferred to countries that are non sei part of the European Union or the European Economic Space (so called Third Party Countries) that are recognised by the European Commission as having an adequate level of personal data protection or, otherwise, only if the UniCredit suppliers located in a Third Party Country contractually guarantee a level of personal data protection that is in line with that of the European Union (i.e. by signing the standard contractual clauses foreseen by the European Commission) and that the rights of the data subjects are always guaranteed.Further information may be requested by writing to PROCESSING PROCEDURE The processing of the personal shall take place using manual, computer and remote tools and adopting criteria that are closely linked to the purposes in question and, in any case, in a manner that guarantees the security and confidentiality of the same data. RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECTS The GDPR assigns you the right to know which data that concern you are in UniCredit’s possession, as well as how they are used and to obtain, if the conditions allow, a copy of them, their cancellation or updating, their rectification or, if of interest to you, the integration of the data as well as the right to portability. 7.1 TIMEFRAME OF DATA CONSERVATION AND RIGHT TO CANCELLATION If the data is conferred in order to present a candidacy for a generic position, UniCredit processes and retains your personal data for a maximum period of thirty six (36) months starting from the date of the last time the data subject logged on to their profile created on the UniCredit portal, to enable them to be called to take part in the selection procedure for any professional positions in line with their professional profile. If the data is conferred in order to present a candidacy for a specific position, UniCredit shall retain the personal data collected and used for the above purpose for a maximum period of thirty six (36) months starting from the date of the closing of the selection procedure for the specific position to enable you to be called up to take part in the selection procedure for any professional positions in line with their professional profile. At the end of the applicable conservation period, the personal data referred to you shall be cancelled or retained in a form that does non sei allow identification (i.e. irreversible anonymization), unless they need to be processed further for one or more of the following purposes: i) the settlement of pre-litigation and/or litigation entered into before the expiry of the conservation period; ii) in order to follow up on investigations/inspections by internal control functions and/or external authorities begun prior to the expiry of the conservation period; iii) to follow up on requests forwarded by Italian or foreign public authorities received/notified to UniCredit prior to the expiry of the conservation period. HOW TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS In order to exercise the above rights the data subject may turn to: The term for a reply is one (1) months, which may be extended to two (2) months in particularly complex situations; in this case, UniCredit provides an interim communication within one (1) month. Exercising ones rights is, in principle, free of charge. COMPLAINTS OR REPORTS TO THE GUARANTOR FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA UniCredit informs you that you have the right to present a complaint or make a report to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data or alternatively present an appeal to the Judicial Authorities. The contact details for the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data may be consulted on the website FORM FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA With reference to the above mentioned purposes in Section 2, letter B) of the Privacy Notice ļÆ AUTHORISE ļÆ DO NOT AUTHORISE The processing of the data to be selected to enter a working or collaboration relationship with UniCredit S.p.A. With reference to the above mentioned purposes in Section 2, letter C) of the Privacy Notice ļÆ AUTHORISE ļÆ DO NOT AUTHORISE UniCredit to make and register photos and videos – even by authorised third parties – that contain my image; UniCredit to publish my data on the UniCredit website and on the sites over which UniCredit has no control, such as Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter; UniCredit to modify, if necessary, the image to the extent that this is required by the above described usage; I grant UniCredit, free of charge, with no time limit, the right to the use and distribution of my image according to the terms and procedures described above, expressly waiving any right or claim, even of an economic nature, and any action or claim connected to the use and/or distribution of my image. I release UniCredit from all prejudice, economic burden and all responsibility related to an incorrect use of the data and images by third parties.

Participation agreement workshop

UniCredit DesiGenZ International WORKSHOP for future out-of-the-box thinkers 13/14 of November 2018, in the UNICREDIT PAVILLION, MILAN PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT between EASTWEST EUROPEAN INSTITUTE SRL (an Italian Company with VAT IT 12156961000 having its registered office at Via Gregorio VII 368, Rome, Italy as the Organizer (ā€œEWEIā€ or the ā€œOrganizerā€) and Name, Surname: ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Date and Place of Birth: ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ ID No.: ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ as the Participant of the International UniCredit DesiGenZ (the ā€œParticipantā€) The Organizer is pleased to present the International UniCredit workshop DesiGenZ (the “Workshop“), sponsored by UniCredit S.p.A, Zweigniederlassung Wien, Rothschildplatz 4, 1020 Vienna, Austria (the ā€œSponsorā€). The Workshop is governed by the rules set out below (the “Workshop Rules“). By entering the Workshop, you, the undersigned (the “Participant” or “you“), agree to abide by the Workshop Rules as well as the decisions of the Organizer, the Sponsor and Workshop judges. Overview: This Workshop brings together students, tutors and other individuals to compete to solve real-life business cases in diverse teams of 5-7 people, to generate new business experiences and ideas during participation in a 2-day learning, doing and designing event. The Workshop will be held on 13 and 14 November 2018 in Milan, Italy on the 1st floor of the UniCredit Pavilion. The Organizer reserves a right to change location of the Workshop. Any changes shall be announced communicated to the Participant by the Organizer. Entry: During the Workshop, the Participant will be given the tools necessary to create innovative, demonstrative solutions to real, practical and theoretical business cases. Each solution (the “Entry“) will garner points assigned by judges. The goal is to garner the highest amount of points possible by the end of the Workshop. All Entries must meet the following general conditions: Entries must be submitted in English. Participants may submit one Entry only, per team. Incomplete Entries may be disqualified. Each Entry must be original, of the Participant’s own creation and newly designed during the Workshop and must non sei have been entered in any other competition similar to the Workshop. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any Entry if the Entry or a participant does non sei comply with these Workshop Rules. The Organizer of the Workshop will provide participants with Wi-Fi connectivity free of charge for the duration of the Workshop. Each participant may use his or her own PC/device for Workshop notes and design if they so choose. Scoring of Entries: The winners will be chosen by a panel of international experts, the Organizer, the Sponsor and external parties (the “Judges“). Entries will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: (i) speed (ii) innovativeness of the solutions, creativity and resourcefulness, ability to use newly gained skills (iii) feasibility and execution of the solutions (iv) final presentation of the Entry (v) individual work of the Participant demonstrated in team. The Entry that earns the highest overall score will win. The decisions of the Judges will be final and may non sei be contested. In the event of a tie, Judges will deliberate to determine the winner. The judging period may be extended by Organizer and/or Sponsor for any length of time, at Organizer’s and/or Sponsorā€™s discretion. Winners and Awards: The winning teams awarded by the highest score by the Judges will be announced at the conclusion of the Workshop on 14 November 2018. The prizes to be awarded are as follows: Gross 8.500 EUR in total, divided into Gross EUR 5.000,00 ā€“ 1st Place Gross EUR 2.500,00 ā€“ 2nd Place Gross EUR 1.000,00 ā€“ 3rd Place All amounts are calculated as gross amounts and are subject to deductions resulting from applicable taxes or other applicable encumbrances. Awards shall be distributed equally among team members. Each member of a winning team shall provide the Organizer with their tax ID number and direct deposit bank details prior to the disbursement of the award, in order to be eligible to receive the monetary award. Monetary awards will be transferred directly to individual team membersā€™ accounts. The Participant acknowledges that failure to provide her/his bank account details may result in her/him non sei being eligible to receive the monetary award. Neither the Sponsor nor the Organizer shall bear any responsibility for that. Selected exceptional individuals will be offered an internship opportunity. The selection shall be made upon the sole discretion of the Sponsor. Copyrights and other Intellectual Property rights of Entries: the Participant represents and warrants that the Entry is and will be Participant’s own original work, and does non sei and will non sei infringe upon the intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party, including, without limitation, any third party patents, copyrights or trademarks. All moral rights to the Entry remain to be a property of the Participant. The Participant hereby exclusively agrees to assign and transfer to the Sponsor all economic rights, titles, and interests in and to the Participant’s Entry. Consequently, the Sponsor shall have all economic rights to reproduce, distribute, rent, copy, edit, publicly display, publicly perform, broadcast, publish and use, in whole or in part, any Entry, in any manner without further compensation during and after the Workshop. The Participant assigns and transfers rights pursuant to this paragraph to the Sponsor exclusively. Assignment and transfer of rights pursuant to this paragraph shall non sei be limited in territory and shall be unlimited in time, without expiration. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that Sponsors or other Participants or third parties may have developed or commissioned works which are similar to the Entry of the Participant or the Participant’s team, or may develop something similar in the future, and each Participant waives any claims that Participant may have that result from any similarities the Participantā€™s Entry or Entries from the Participant’s team. Publicity: By participating in the Workshop, the Participant consents to the use of his/her name, photo and/or likeness, biographical or demographic information, entry and statements attributed to Participant (if true) for the purpose of promoting and advertising the Workshop, including and without limitation, inclusion in Organizer’s and Sponsor’s newsletters, websites at, htt://, and any of the Organizerā€™s and/or Sponsorā€™s social media accounts or outlets, without compensation. The Participant authorizes the Sponsor and the Organizer to treat and use his/her personal data according to terms and purposes mentioned herein and in the Consent enclosed to this Participation Agreement, and to use his/her pictures in the websites stated in the previous paragraph. The Participant gives the Sponsor and the Organizer the right to use, spread, treat, reproduce his/her personal data – for free and without expiration – also through derived works, in any form, from photographing that will take place at the Workshop, with awareness of the fact that the final purpose of all mentioned activities is related to advertising, promotion and marketing of the Workshop. The Participant authorizes the Sponsor and the Organizer to conserve all videos and pictures in the digital archives for a period of maximum 5 years from the date of entering into this Participation Agreement. The Participant authorizes the Sponsor and the Organizer to modify – but non sei significantly alter – pictures of him/her for the purposes stipulated above. The Participant authorizes the Sponsor and the Organizer to use his/her personal data for recruitment purposes. Disclaimers, liability and indemnification: The Organizer and the Sponsor are non sei liable for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the Participantā€™s participation in the Workshop. Organizer and Sponsor are non sei liable for any loos or damage resulting directly or indirectly from Participantā€™s receipt, use or redemption of any awards, or of Participantā€™s inability to receive, use or redeem any awards. Furthermore, the Organizer and the Sponsor are non sei responsible for: (1) technical failures of any kind, including the malfunctioning of any telephone, computer, network, hardware or software; (2) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any service; (3) electronic or human error which may occur in the administration of the Workshop; or (4) any injury or damage to persons or property, including your computer, which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from your participation in the Workshop. The Organizer and the Sponsor do non sei accept liability for any loss or damage or for any other loss or damage that may result from unsuccessful application to the Workshop towards individuals that have registered for the Workshop but have non sei been chosen to participate in the Workshop. You hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold non sei liable Organizer and Sponsor from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions, liability or losses of any kind, known or unknown, absolute or contingent, now or in the future arising from or related to: (1) your failure to comply with any of the Workshop Rules; (2) any misrepresentation you make under the Workshop Rules; or (3) your participation in the Workshop. General: The Organizer reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend the Workshop in whole or in part, in the event of fraud, technical or other difficulties or if the integrity of the Workshop is compromised, without liability to the Participants. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participant, as determined by the Organizer, who violates the Workshop Rules or who they believe is cheating or is threatening, harassing any other team or team member or Sponsorā€™s or Organizerā€™s personnel. If any provisions of this Participation Agreement shall become illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall non sei in any way be impaired. This Participation Agreement is governed by the laws of Italy and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of respective courts in Rome. I understand and agree to the Workshop Rules set out in this Participation Agreement. The Participant: ______________________ ______________________ Rome, ______________________ First and Last name Signature Date EWEI: ______________________ Schedules: Schedule 1 Consent PRIVACY NOTICE ON THE PROCESSING AND PROTECTION OF THE CANDIDATES PERSONAL DATA PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 13 AND 14 OF THE GENERAL REGULATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA The purpose of the following privacy notice is to provide an overview of the use of your personal data by UniCredit SpA and your rights pursuant to the General Regulation on Protection of Personal Data – EU Regulation 2016/679 (henceforth also GDPR). DATA CONTROLLER AND DATA PROTECTION OFFICER The Data Processing Controller is UniCredit S.p.A- with legal headquarters in Piazza Gae Aulenti n. 3, Tower A, 20154 Milano (UniCredit). The Data Protection Officer (DPO) may be contacted via: UniCredit S.p.A. Data Protection Office, Piazza Gae Aulenti n. 1, Tower B, 20154 Milano, E-mail:, PEC: PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS FOR THE PROCESSING UniCredit processes the personal data in its possession, collected directly from the data subject, or by third parties, for the following purposes: Processing of the data you have conferred in order to enable you to take part in the DesiGenZ event. This need represents the legal basis that justifies the relative processing. The conferral of the personal details required for said purposes is non sei compulsory, however, failure to provide them may entail the impossibility of taking part in the event. Processing of the data you have conferred in order to enable you to be selected to enter into an employment or collaboration relationship (including, by way of example, a traineeship) with UniCredit S.p.A. In particular, your personal data may be processed to enable your participation in interviews and/or tests (in a classroom and/or online) that, by way of example, are designed to assess your professional aptitude or your level of understanding of the English language etc. The legal basis that justifies the processing is your consent, which you are free to provide or non sei and that you may in any case revoke at any time.The conferral of the personal data required for this purpose is non sei compulsory, but failure to provide them will entail the impossibility of taking part in the aforementioned interviews and/or valuation tests and, as a result, to participate in the selection process. Processing of the data you have conferred including the images and the photos taken during the event that will be published on the UniCredit and other sites managed by third parties over which UniCredit has no control such as Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. The legal basis that justifies the processing is your consent, which you are free to provide or non sei and that you may in any case revoke at any time. The conferral of the data required to these ends is non sei compulsory and the failure to provide the same shall non sei in any way prejudice your participation in the event. CATEGORIES OF DATA PROCESSED UniCredit processes personal data collected directly from you, or from third parties, that include, by way of example, biographical data (i.e. name, surname, address, data and place of birth), contact data (i.e. e-mail address, land line and mobile phone numbers) as well as data related to your Curriculum Vitae. BENEFICIERIES OR CATEGORIES OF BENENEFICIARIES OF PERSONAL DATA Natural persons or legal entities including in the list which may be consulted in the Privacy section of the website, may become privy to your data as data processors, as well as the natural persons belonging to the following categories who have been authorised to process the personal data, relative to the data required to perform the tasks assigned to them: employees or outsourced workers or trainees assigned to UniCredit’s HR function, consultants and other natural persons who are occasionally assigned to UniCreditā€™s HR function; employees, temporary employees, trainees and consultants of external companies appointed by the data processors. TRANSFERRAL OF DATA TO THIRD COUNTRIES UniCredit informs you that the personal data may even be transferred to countries that are non sei part of the European Union or the European Economic Space (so called Third Party Countries) that are recognised by the European Commission as having an adequate level of personal data protection or, otherwise, only if the UniCredit suppliers located in a Third Party Country contractually guarantee a level of personal data protection that is in line with that of the European Union (i.e. by signing the standard contractual clauses foreseen by the European Commission) and that the rights of the data subjects are always guaranteed.Further information may be requested by writing to PROCESSING PROCEDURE The processing of the personal shall take place using manual, computer and remote tools and adopting criteria that are closely linked to the purposes in question and, in any case, in a manner that guarantees the security and confidentiality of the same data. RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECTS The GDPR assigns you the right to know which data that concern you are in UniCredit’s possession, as well as how they are used and to obtain, if the conditions allow, a copy of them, their cancellation or updating, their rectification or, if of interest to you, the integration of the data as well as the right to portability. 7.1 TIMEFRAME OF DATA CONSERVATION AND RIGHT TO CANCELLATION If the data is conferred in order to present a candidacy for a generic position, UniCredit processes and retains your personal data for a maximum period of thirty six (36) months starting from the date of the last time the data subject logged on to their profile created on the UniCredit portal, to enable them to be called to take part in the selection procedure for any professional positions in line with their professional profile. If the data is conferred in order to present a candidacy for a specific position, UniCredit shall retain the personal data collected and used for the above purpose for a maximum period of thirty six (36) months starting from the date of the closing of the selection procedure for the specific position to enable you to be called up to take part in the selection procedure for any professional positions in line with their professional profile. At the end of the applicable conservation period, the personal data referred to you shall be cancelled or retained in a form that does non sei allow identification (i.e. irreversible anonymization), unless they need to be processed further for one or more of the following purposes: i) the settlement of pre-litigation and/or litigation entered into before the expiry of the conservation period; ii) in order to follow up on investigations/inspections by internal control functions and/or external authorities begun prior to the expiry of the conservation period; iii) to follow up on requests forwarded by Italian or foreign public authorities received/notified to UniCredit prior to the expiry of the conservation period. HOW TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS In order to exercise the above rights the data subject may turn to: The term for a reply is one (1) months, which may be extended to two (2) months in particularly complex situations; in this case, UniCredit provides an interim communication within one (1) month. Exercising ones rights is, in principle, free of charge. COMPLAINTS OR REPORTS TO THE GUARANTOR FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA UniCredit informs you that you have the right to present a complaint or make a report to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data or alternatively present an appeal to the Judicial Authorities. The contact details for the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data may be consulted on the website FORM FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA With reference to the above mentioned purposes in Section 2, letter B) of the Privacy Notice ļÆ AUTHORISE ļÆ DO NOT AUTHORISE The processing of the data to be selected to enter a working or collaboration relationship with UniCredit S.p.A. With reference to the above mentioned purposes in Section 2, letter C) of the Privacy Notice ļÆ AUTHORISE ļÆ DO NOT AUTHORISE UniCredit to make and register photos and videos – even by authorised third parties – that contain my image; UniCredit to publish my data on the UniCredit website and on the sites over which UniCredit has no control, such as Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter; UniCredit to modify, if necessary, the image to the extent that this is required by the above described usage; I grant UniCredit, free of charge, with no time limit, the right to the use and distribution of my image according to the terms and procedures described above, expressly waiving any right or claim, even of an economic nature, and any action or claim connected to the use and/or distribution of my image. I release UniCredit from all prejudice, economic burden and all responsibility related to an incorrect use of the data and images by third parties.


Registration for the workshop competition DesiGenZ is closed.  For information on future Eastwest European Institute activities, come back and visit us soon at, and follow us on FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram  Thanks! –DesiGenZ Team

Workshop instructor

Erica Young, Customer Experience Expert and Director at Anthemis Group Erica designs investible ventures and is passionate about building resilient networks. An industrial designer by training, she has extensive experience designing, developing and manufacturing products and services for international markets. She now applies those skills to venture design, where she leads teams to develop business concepts, engage founders to run those businesses and support their growth. She is immersed in the startup community and gives back by connecting like-minded people and supporting efforts to nurture ecosystems. Judges Panel, Chaired by Carlo Vivaldi The competition will be judged by UniCredit top managers in areas of Retail, Corporate, Investment and Private Banking, Human Resources, Global Banking, Services, Agile and other. The panel will be chaired by Carlo Vivaldi, Head of CEE Division of UniCredit, member of the UniCredit Executive Management Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors in Koc Finansal Services and Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi AS, Member of the Supervisory Board of AO UniCredit Bank Russia and Member of the Advisory Board of UniCredit Turn-Around Management CEE GmbH, Member of the Board of Directors of UniCredit Foundation, Member of the Board of Directors of UniCredit Services IT. He is member of the UniCredit Executive Management Committee.


Receive highly selective, personal training and win valuable prizes and awards for your creativity and innovative thinking. Enrich your CV with your user design experience.  Participate to win!  WORKSHOP Gain invaluable, real work experience and transferable skills from the theories and practical applications thereof that you will learn during the workshop.And best of all, participation is free for all selectees! Travel and accommodations will be paid by the organizers. CASH 1st place winning team: ā‚¬5.000 2nd place winning team: ā‚¬2.500 3rd place winning team: ā‚¬1.000 BRING YOUR IDEAS TO LIFE Best in class ideas from the workshop may be applied to future UniCredit customer journeys. INTERNSHIP Selected participants will have the opportunity to complete a paid internship in the Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) division of UniCredit CERTIFICATION Recognition of your work! All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation issued jointly by UniCredit and Eastwest European Institute, upon completion of the workshop.  OTHER PRIZESGiveaways, anyone? Take away additional gifts: our way of saying “thanks, and good luck!”

Workshop Agenda

Agenda DayTimeActivity Day 1 14:15 Registration and welcome coffee 15:00 Workshop training activities 20:30 Dinner Day 2 8:30 Breakfast / coffee 9:00 Workshop training activities 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Workshop training activities 13:00 Buffet Lunch and Networking 14:00 Workshop training activities 16:00 Coffee break 16:30 Group presentations 18:00 Judges deliberation and selection of winners 18:30 Award ceremony 19:00 Wrap-up and conclusion Workshop training may include the following activities, subject to change based on the dynamics and prior knowledge of the group: Design thinking methodology Empathy maps Persona theory User journey theory Experiment theory Elevator pitch theory

Privacy policy Workshop

Condizioni Generali di Contratto ā€œEWEIā€ ā€“ Desigenz Workshop 2018 Art. 1 ā€“ Le condizioni generali di contratto Le presenti condizioni generali (le ā€œCondizioni Generaliā€) regolano il contratto tra il candidato (di seguito, ā€œil Candidatoā€) e la Eastwest European Institute s.r.l. (di seguito, la ā€œSocietĆ ā€ o ā€œEWEIā€) ā€“ Editrice del periodico ā€œEastwestā€, registrazione n. 451 del 21.06.2004 presso il Tribunale di Milano, e del sito ā€œwww.eastwest.euā€ ā€“ relativo al progetto di workshop ā€œDesigenz Workshopā€ 2018 (di seguito, il ā€œWorkshopā€) promosso dalla SocietĆ , in funzione della raccolta di candidature per partecipare alla selezione e dellā€™eventuale partecipazione gratuita a un workshop che si terrĆ  a Milano il 12 e 13 novembre 2018, sponsorizzato da UniCredit S.p.A. e realizzato con la collaborazione di questā€™ultima, con la possibilitĆ  di concorrere a premi e riconoscimenti, anche monetari (di seguito, il ā€œContrattoā€). Il Candidato potrĆ  essere persona fisica italiano o di altro Paese. Per quanto non disciplinato nelle presenti Condizioni Generali, si rinvia al documento ā€œTerms and Conditions Desigenz Workshop 2018ā€ (disponibile sul sito e nellā€™ambito della procedura telematica di registrazione del Candidato), le cui previsioni costituiscono parte integrante e sostanziale delle presenti Condizioni Generali (cfr. All. n. 2). Art. 2 ā€“ Perfezionamento del Contratto Il Contratto si perfeziona allā€™atto della registrazione, da parte del Candidato, della propria candidatura sulla pagina del sito dedicata, con lā€™inserimento dei propri dati personali e la risposta alle domande previste dal formulario (di seguito, le ā€œInformazioniā€). Art. 3 ā€“ AttivitĆ  del Workshop ā€“ Riconoscimenti al Candidato La SocietĆ  utilizzerĆ  le Informazioni ricevute ai sensi del Contratto al fine di sostenere e processare la candidatura del soggetto applicante al Workshop, che sarĆ  oggetto di una call to action che avrĆ  durata sino al 10 novembre 2018. Se selezionato, il Candidato verrĆ  invitato a sottoscrivere il Participation Agreement di cui allā€™Allegato n. 2 e, quindi, a partecipare al Workshop a Milano, nelle date del 12 e 13 novembre 2018, concorrendo a tutte le opportunitĆ  previste. Saranno a carico della SocietĆ  tutti gli eventuali costi e spese, quali ad es. spese di viaggio, pernottamento, etc., che dovessero rendersi necessari per la partecipazione; il Candidato riceverĆ  via email tutte le eventuali newsletter e/o analoghe comunicazioni informative e/o promozionali che dovessero essere realizzate dalla SocietĆ  in relazione alle attivitĆ  del Workshop. Art. 4 ā€“ Durata del Workshop La durata del Workshop ĆØ fissata dal 12 al 13 novembre 2018. La preparazione al Workshop ĆØ prevista dal 7 al 10 novembre e si svolgerĆ  sotto forma di scambi di email. Art. 5 ā€“ Informazioni La SocietĆ  rende noto: (i) che la propria denominazione sociale ĆØ Eastwest European Institute S.r.l., con sede legale in Roma, Via Gregorio VII n. 368, iscritta al n. 12156961000 del Registro delle Imprese di Roma, partita IVA 12156961000pec, e-mail; (ii) che tutta la documentazione contrattuale inerente il rapporto con il Candidato oggetto del Contratto sarĆ  conservata dalla SocietĆ  stessa in formato elettronico; (iii) che ogni eventuale richiesta di informazioni inerente il progetto di workshop in oggetto ed il Contratto potrĆ  essere inviata al seguente indirizzo email della SocietĆ : Art. 6 ā€“ Pubblicazione e modifica delle condizioni generali Le Condizioni Generali inerenti il Contratto sono state pubblicate sul sito allā€™atto dellā€™avvio del progetto di Workshop in oggetto e vengono rese stabilmente disponibili su di esso; le stesse, pertanto, possono essere in ogni momento consultate, scaricate e memorizzate su supporto durevole dal soggetto interessato, semplicemente accedendo alla relativa pagina web del predetto sito. Eventuali modifiche delle suddette Condizioni Generali saranno pubblicate con le medesime modalitĆ  e saranno efficaci per tutti coloro che effettueranno le Candidature dopo la loro pubblicazione. Art. 7 ā€“ Dati personali I dati personali del Candidato conferiti alla SocietĆ  per effettuare la registrazione e per perfezionare e dare esecuzione al Contratto verranno trattati dalla SocietĆ  stessa esclusivamente al fine di dare esecuzione al predetto Contratto, ai sensi dellā€™art. 6 del Regolamento UE 679/2016. I dati personali dellā€™interessato raccolti durante la navigazione sul sito verranno trattati dalla SocietĆ  stessa esclusivamente al fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sullā€™utilizzo del sito stesso e per verificarne la funzionalitĆ . In ogni caso, tutti i predetti trattamenti verranno effettuati secondo principi di correttezza, liceitĆ , trasparenza e pertinenza e nel rispetto della normativa vigente, cosƬ come meglio indicato nellā€™Informativa resa dalla SocietĆ  ex artt. 13 e 14, Regolamento UE 679/2016, riportata in calce alle presenti Condizioni Generali (All. n. 1). La SocietĆ  condividerĆ  i dati personali dei Candidati (dati anagrafici, dati di contatto e dati relativi al curriculum vitae) con UniCredit S.p.A. (sponsor e partner del Workshop) quale autonoma Titolare dei relativi trattamenti, cosƬ come meglio indicato nellā€™Informativa resa da Unicredit S.p.A. ex artt. 13 e 14, Regolamento UE 679/2016 ed allegata al presente Contratto, ai seguenti fini: a) per la selezione dei Candidati al Workshop; b) per la preparazione del Workshop, inclusi i briefing e le altre attivitĆ  correlate; c) per la partecipazione dellā€™interessato al Workshop, inclusa lā€™assegnazione dei premi ai progetti vincitori ai quali gli interessati abbiano contribuito. Inoltre, il Candidato selezionato per la partecipazione al Workshop potrĆ , in sede di sottoscrizione del Participation Agreement riportato sub Allegato n. 2 al presente Contratto, fornire o meno il proprio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali anche (i) per le finalitĆ  di selezione per lā€™instaurazione di un rapporto di lavoro/collaborazione con Unicredit S.p.A. e/o (ii) per le finalitĆ  di documentazione e promozione delle attivitĆ  del Workshop e di Unicredit S.p.A., anche attraverso clip video, immagini e foto realizzate durante il Workshop e pubblicate sulle pagine web della SocietĆ  e di Unicredit S.p.A. e/o su altri social/media sui quali Unicredit S.p.A. non ha controllo, come meglio indicato nellā€™anzidetta Informativa resa da Unicredit S.p.A. ex artt. 13 e 14, Regolamento UE 679/2016. Per ogni comunicazione da parte del candidato relativa al trattamento dei suoi dati personali, il candidato puĆ² rivolgersi al seguente indirizzo email: Art. 8 ā€“ Legge applicabile Il presente Contratto e le relative condizioni generali sono retti dalla legge italiana. Per ogni eventuale controversia, sarĆ  competente in via esclusiva il Foro di Roma. Allegato n.1 Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Regolamento UE 679/2016 Introduzione I dati personali comunicati a Eastwest European Institute S.r.l. (di seguito ā€œEWEIā€) in funzione della selezione (che si svolgerĆ  sino al 10.11.2018) e della partecipazione al Workshop Desigenz (di seguito, anche solo ā€œWorkshopā€), che si terrĆ  a Milano, dal 12.11.2018 al 13.11.2018, verranno trattati nel pieno rispetto del Regolamento EU 679/16 (di seguito, anche solo ā€œGDPRā€). Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali ĆØ Eastwest European Institute S.r.l., con sede legale in Roma, Via Gregorio VII, n. 368. Dati di contatto: email; pec Categorie di dati trattati EWEI raccoglie e tratta dati personali raccolti direttamente presso lā€™interessato nellā€™ambito della fase di registrazione e di selezione relativa al Workshop e di perfezionamento del relativo Contratto, quali, ad es., dati anagrafici (nome, cognome, data di nascita, etĆ , nazionalitĆ , sesso, etc.), dati di contatto (es. email, telefono, cellulare, etc.) nonchĆ© gli ulteriori dati personali richiesti nel form di registrazione presente sul sito (es. video/foto personale, universitĆ  frequentata, anno accademico, hobby, questioni di interesse, opinioni personali, etc.). EWEI, inoltre, raccoglie e tratta dati personali raccolti direttamente presso lā€™interessato che sia stato selezionato e che partecipi allo svolgimento del Workshop ed alle relative attivitĆ , in esecuzione del richiamato Contratto, anche attraverso clip video, immagini e foto realizzate durante il Workshop. FinalitĆ  e Base Giuridica del trattamento dei dati raccolti EWEI tratta i dati personali dei candidati e dei partecipanti al Workshop nel rispetto dei principi generali di necessitĆ , correttezza, pertinenza e non eccedenza; in particolare, il trattamento dei dati avverrĆ , ai sensi dellā€™art 6, lett. b) e c), del GDPR, oltre che per lā€™adempimento agli obblighi di legge connessi allo svolgimento della selezione e del Workshop, per le seguenti finalitĆ : selezione dei candidati ai fini dellā€™eventuale partecipazione al Workshop. La base giuridica che legittima il trattamento ĆØ la necessitĆ  di procedere alla valutazione della Sua candidatura, ai fini della selezione stessa, in esecuzione del Contratto perfezionato dal candidato con EWEI; il conferimento dei dati personali richiesti per tale finalitĆ  non ĆØ obbligatorio; tuttavia, il rifiuto di conferirli comporta lā€™impossibilitĆ  di partecipazione alla fase di selezione del Workshop; partecipazione dellā€™interessato al Workshop e svolgimento del Workshop stesso, incluse le attivitĆ  connesse e conseguenti quali lo svolgimento delle verifiche del grado di soddisfazione dei partecipanti in merito al Workshop; la consegna di Premi e Awards al termine del Workshop, etc. La base giuridica che legittima il trattamento ĆØ la necessitĆ  di dare esecuzione al sopra richiamato Contratto perfezionato dallā€™interessato con EWEI e di consentire allā€™interessato stesso di partecipare al Workshop; il conferimento dei dati personali richiesti per tale finalitĆ  non ĆØ obbligatorio; tuttavia il rifiuto di conferirli comporta lā€™impossibilitĆ  di partecipare al Workshop. Destinatari dei dati personali I dati raccolti da EWEI potranno essere messi a disposizione dei Collaboratori del Titolare, in qualitĆ  di soggetti autorizzati, relativamente ai dati necessari allo svolgimento delle mansioni e degli incarichi assegnati, o, comunque, comunicati ai propri consulenti interni ed esterni, societĆ  di servizi informatici, in qualitĆ  di Responsabili Esterni, nel rispetto di quanto previsto dagli articolo 6, b) e c), e 28, del Regolamento. EWEI, inoltre, comunica a UniCredit S.p.A. (partner e sponsor del Workshop), in qualitĆ  di Titolare Autonomo del trattamento, gli anzidetti dati personali del candidato, raccolti in occasione della registrazione, della selezione e della partecipazione del candidato stesso al Workshop. UniCredit S.p.A. potrĆ  trattare tali dati per le sole finalitĆ  di cui al par. 2, lett. A dellā€™Informativa resa dalla stessa UniCredit S.p.A. ai sensi dellā€™art. 13 e 14 del Regolamento UE 679/2016 ed allegata al richiamato Contratto, salvi i casi in cui il candidato presti espressamente il proprio consenso al trattamento dei dati per ulteriori finalitĆ  indicate da UniCredit S.p.A.. Non ĆØ previsto alcun trasferimento dei dati extra UE. ModalitĆ  di trattamento dei dati raccolti Il trattamento potrĆ  essere svolto anche con lā€™ausilio di mezzi elettronici o comunque automatizzati, idonei a garantire la sicurezza e la riservatezza del trattamento. I dati trattati saranno aggiornati, pertinenti, completi e non eccedenti rispetto alle finalitĆ  sopra elencate per le quali sono raccolti e successivamente trattati; saranno inoltre resi accessibili esclusivamente a dipendenti e collaboratori identificati e qualificati. Diritti dellā€™interessato Oltre al diritto di proporre reclamo o effettuare una segnalazione al Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali o, in alternativa, di presentare ricorso allā€™AutoritĆ  Giudiziaria, il soggetto interessato potrĆ  far valere gratuitamente i diritti di seguito elencati rivolgendo apposita richiesta scritta al Titolare del trattamento presso gli indirizzi di contatto indicati nella presente informativa, mediante raccomandata a/r, e-mail o pec: art. 15, diritto di accesso; art. 16, diritto di rettifica; art. 17, diritto alla cancellazione (diritto allā€™oblio); art. 18, diritto di limitazione del trattamento; art. 20, diritto alla portabilitĆ  dei dati; art. 21, diritto di opposizione; art. 22, diritto di non essere sottoposto a processo decisionale automatizzato, compresa la profilazione. Conservazione dei dati raccolti Nel rispetto dei principi di liceitĆ , limitazione delle finalitĆ  e minimizzazione dei dati, ai sensi dellā€™art. 5 GDPR 2016/679, i dati personali saranno conservati per il periodo di tempo necessario per il conseguimento delle finalitĆ  per le quali sono raccolti e trattati. In particolare, le foto e i video del Workshop saranno conservati in archivi digitali per un periodo massimo di 3 anni. Al termine del periodo di conservazione, i dati personali verranno cancellati o conservati in una forma che non consenta lā€™identificazione del candidato e del partecipante al Workshop, a meno che non persista la necessitĆ  del trattamento per adempiere ad obblighi di legge o per lo svolgimento di contenziosi iniziati prima del suddetto termine oppure per dare seguito a indagini o ispezioni di AutoritĆ  competenti ovvero ottemperare a provvedimenti delle AutoritĆ  stesse. Allegato 2

Home Workshop

WHAT IS DESIGENZ?It’s a workshop competition designed for all students in all majors and all fields of study — the more diverse, the better. During the workshop, participants will: share their experiences as users of any service (at the mall, the supermarket, the movie theater, in airports, at banks, in car rental companies, etc.), and suggest ways those experiences could have been better, and should be improved in future; learn a set of business and social science theories (including Design thinking methodology, Empathy maps, Persona theory, User journey theory, Experiment theory, Elevator pitch theory); complete a practicum in which they apply each theory learned in real-life settings in commercial business near and around the workshop space; work within a team to use the experiences gained during the practicum to invent/design a new user experience that incorporates positive elements from their experiences during the practicum portion of the workshop, to create a new user experience that is better than what it was before. WHO CAN APPLY? All students or recent graduate between the ages of 20-26 years old: Proficient in English; From any university in Italy; From all degree programs and fields of study; All nationalities welcome! WHAT DO PARTICIPANTS GET? Real work experience and transferable skills from the theories and their practical applications; Cash prizes;  Paid internship opportunity; Networking opportunity with customer experience experts and senior managers from UniCredit.  Apply today and win!


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