
Myanmar: national and international actions for a new, democratic and federal country

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It is a webinar co-organized by Italia-Birmania.Insieme, Twai (Torino World Affairs Institute), Eastwest European Institute.

(simultaneous translation from/to English/Italian)

- New York: 8.30 am to 10 am

- Myanmar: 19.00 pm to 20.30 pm

- Italy: 14.30 pm to 16 pm


Cecilia Brighi. General Secretary Italia-Birmania.Insieme

Introductory remarks: Prof. Vincenzo Scotti, President Italia-Birmania.Insieme

Special Guests:

  • Mahn Win Khaing Than, Acting Vice President of Union of Myanmar, the strategy of the

    National Unity Government, the value of the alliance with ethnics in the fight of the military coup. (to be confirmed)

  • H.E. Saw Ta Doh Moo, General Secretary Karen National Union (to be confirmed)
  • H. E. Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar Ambassador to the UN
  • Maung Maung: President CTUM: workers role in handling this crisis, the importance of targeted economic sanctions in support of the CDM

Discussing with:

  • Hon. Piero Fassino, President Foreign Affairs Committee Italian Parliament
  • Senator Benedetto della Vedova, Deputy Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  • Prof. Romano Prodi, Former European Union President
  • Hon. Patrizia Toia, Member of the EU Parliament
  • Prof. Giuseppe Gabusi, TWAI University of Turin.
  • Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, Pontifical Academy for Life Chai

Concluding remarks:

  • Giuseppe Scognamiglio, President Eastwest European Institute

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