
The “Dublin Wall” is tottering

They can only apply for asylum in the country where they land. If they leave, they're sent back. A law that defies the most basic of EU values.

Sixty-five years have passed since 9 May 1950, when France’s then Foreign Minister Robert Schuman laid the foundations of the new European Community with his declaration on the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community.

One of the priorities of the war-torn countries post-WWII was the need to promote development on the African continent – at the time by no means a foregone conclusion. Yet these 65 years seem to have passed in vain, with member states (the UK and France in particular) engaged only in wrapping up the decolonisation era and finding the least traumatic way of absorbing the swelling waves of undocumented immigrants. Famines, unnecessary wars and intensified cultural clashes, along with Western errors and the proliferation of the Islamic State, have done the rest, turning the Straight of Sicily into a flowerless grave for thousands of fleeing migrants.

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