

Ukraine, Khakovka’s Incident: Causes and Consequences

The major Khakovka dam has been destroyed at the beginning of June. Not only water will become scarce for agriculture but the incident will also affect the maintenance of the nuclear power station of Zaporizhria situated nearby.

Media and its influence on our perception of the world

Why do some topics, like the currently still ongoing war in Ukraine, get more attention from our media, and therefore also from the readers? And what are the issues that arise as a result of this?

Blockade of Ukraine’s ports and the possible food crisis

With the war in Ukraine, most ports have been closed, seriously affecting exports. Millions of tons of wheat and corn are waiting to be shipped all over the world. 44 milion people are at risk of famine, the World Food Programme warns

International law and global institutions: effective means in the fight against Putin?

The suspension of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council constitutes another international response to Putin’s war crimes. But Russia’s veto power continues to hinder the UN Security Council. Does international law only include symbolic value, a lack of consensus and no legally binding power?

Ukraine: a new EU Member State?

Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainians have been asking to join the EU while Member States are undecided on how to behave. A fast entrance into EU seems to be impossible betraying unsolved integration issues

The historic firsts of the Russo-Ukrainian war

One month into Russian invasion, the future of Ukraine still hangs in the balance, but what is certain is that this war already represents a watershed event in world history. What were the most notable firsts of this war? How is the war changing the world we live in?

Russia-Ukraine (peace) talks

Has Russia guaranteed its hegemony over European energy?

As the Russian economy takes a beating due to sanctions and the costs of war, Moscow can rest easy knowing its continued dominance over European energy is all but inevitable

Is the EU in need of its own European Army besides NATO?

The military attack on Ukraine by Putin raises the question if the time has come to create an independent EU Army. Underfunded national armed forces and latest actions (or rather missing actions) by NATO fuel the endorsement

Western sanctions and the weaponization of finance will not save Ukraine

As Ukraine pays the ultimate price in the Russo-American feud, NATO fails in all its grand promises for peace and security


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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