

Environment: a competition between politics and diplomacy

Politics and diplomacy are always competing on closely-related topics such as energy, environment and climate change. Instead, they should work together with mutual respect

How Covid changes education

The coronavirus, with the consequent forced closure of schools and universities, shows new possible models for education. But it also reaffirms the effectiveness of in-person lessons

France must recognize its role in Libya’s plight

EU should become a real neutral actor and play a role in mediating the lon and exhausting Libyan crisis. France could and should help in this.

Cuba: the health excellence

Cuba: the national health system guarantees care and prevention for the population. A scientific power at the service of world emergencies and calamities

US, the useless superpower

The US health system has not defended public health. On the contrary, Covid-19 pandemic has showed the blatant healthcare inequalities between Counties and neighbourhoods and, therefore, the census disparities

North Korea, Kim Yo-jong: the new leader?

North Korea: Kim Yo-jong, the dictator’s sister, seems particularly interested in rising international tensions. But will she be the heir of the dynasty?

Coronavirus, South Korea and Japan: how did they react to the pandemic?

Coronavirus, South Korea and Japan react differently to the pandemic. If Seoul surprised everyone, Tokyo confirmed its bureaucratic immobility

Coronavirus, China: the healthcare crisis

Coronavirus, China: today we are fully witnessing the crisis in the Chinese health system. So, instead of looking for unreal conspiracies, let’s analyze its inefficiencies

A world shaped by Covid-19

Parag Khanna: an exclusive interview with the Indian and naturalized American political scientist. That is how Covid-19 is shaping the world

The role-playing in Lybia

There’s no more choice between Serraj and Haftar: which side we need to take in a strife whose prize is not just Tripoli?


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo