

Guangzhou: the developing model of the emerging countries’ global cities

The growing relationship between China and the developing world is creating a parallel globalisation animated by those countries that are not included in the western-led one

It’s time to talk: Xi Jinping invites European leaders in China

China has officially sent invitations to prominent European leaders. The South China Morning Post confirms the source and recalls; however, that invitations still have to be accepted by them, making the following even more intriguing and appealing

China mourns Shinzo Abe’s death, but nationalists don’t forget

The fragmented reaction of China best represents the sentiment between the appreciation for a great statesman who has always tried to heal relationships with old neighbours and the hatred for an invading country that has committed war crimes

Chinese youth from the origins to Xi Jinping’s era

On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League’s founding, Xi Jinping started his important speech underlining how “youth gives rise to infinite hope, and young people are the creators of a bright future”

Enter the Red Dragon: the port of Piraeus as China’s gateway to the Mediterranean

The Chinese investment in Piraeus has been challenging the geopolitical equilibrium in Europe. However, will European leaders be strong enough to balance the need of a trade partnership with China and the safeguard of political, environmental and economic stability?

EU and China between CAI and human rights. A test for the future trajectory

A result of the new perspective created by “The EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda” is represented by the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, a proposed investment deal between China and EU

China and EU on CAI: an uncomprehensive agreement

The EU-China relationship is complex. Differences and common interests make them partners but even rivals and competitors

China observes the conflict in Ukraine with contempt but learns the lesson with pleasure

While on the one hand China condemns the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in ambiguous terms, on the other hand it learns essential lessons that one day could be handy

What future for China?

In the third mandate of Chinese President Xi Jinping, China will take three distinct paths, which depend on each other and are interconnected

Sino-Australian relations continue to sour as Australia flexes its diplomatic muscles

Sino-Australian relations continue their downward spiral as Australia increases its presence in the Indo-Pacific with a stream of treaties to counter Chinese influence, including a landmark defence pact with Japan


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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