
The Middle Eastern board game

The Sunni/Shiite clash has led to a new feud among Sunnis: Wahhabism (petro-states) and the Muslim Brotherhood face off on both politics and economics

Houthi supporters in Sana’a demonstrating on the fourth anniversary of Saudi Arabia’s operations in Yemen. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah/Contrast

The Sunni/Shiite clash has led to a new feud among Sunnis: Wahhabism (petro-states) and the Muslim Brotherhood face off on both politics and economics

The attention paid by public opinion and Western mass media to what is going on in the Middle East has faded in recent months. The vanquishing of the Islamic State, at least as a territorial entity, the fewer terrorist attacks in the West and the US’s see-sawing isolationism (which we’ll get to later) have relegated it to the back pages and even the news of the drama unfolding in Yemen reaches the West in dribs and drabs. But there are more developments than meet the eye.

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