
Kosovo: along with Albanian radicalism, here comes the threat of Islamic terrorism. An interview with Father Sava Janjic – Part I

Fifteen men were arrested in the counter-terrorism operation led by Kosovo security forces in September. They are suspected of links with ISIS (the Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra. Previously, in August, Kosovo’s police had conducted a major operation in which they arrested forty people. Police report that up to 200 Kosovar citizens are believed to have moved to Syria and Iraq for the purpose of combat, and twenty of them have been killed there.

Fifteen men were arrested in the counter-terrorism operation led by Kosovo security forces in September. They are suspected of links with ISIS (the Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra. Previously, in August, Kosovo’s police had conducted a major operation in which they arrested forty people. Police report that up to 200 Kosovar citizens are believed to have moved to Syria and Iraq for the purpose of combat, and twenty of them have been killed there.


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