
Marcos, the virtual death of a ‘No Global’ hero

Part imposter, part revolutionary, the Subcomandante of the Chiapas revolt hangs up his balaclava and his 'hologram'.

When, on the night of May 25, the mythical leader Subcomandante Marcos started his long, poetic and melancholic statement on Radio Insurgente, no one expected him to announce his own death. Even less so his re-birth.

Just the day before, the Mexican leader of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) had made his first public appearance after five years of silence. He was on horseback, wearing a black balaclava and smoking a pipe, sporting a pirate skull-and-crossbones patch over his right eye.

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Part imposter, part revolutionary, the Subcomandante of the Chiapas revolt hangs up his balaclava and his ‘hologram’.

When, on the night of May 25, the mythical leader Subcomandante Marcos started his long, poetic and melancholic statement on Radio Insurgente, no one expected him to announce his own death. Even less so his re-birth.

Just the day before, the Mexican leader of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) had made his first public appearance after five years of silence. He was on horseback, wearing a black balaclava and smoking a pipe, sporting a pirate skull-and-crossbones patch over his right eye.

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