
Most dangerous food in the world

We use to talk about food all the time, there are thousands of recipes on tv, on internet and many are cookbooks published every day in the world. But not everyone mention about some of the most dangerous foods on earth. I'm going to let you know about some of them now.

Let’s start with what perhaps is one of the most dangerous food in the world.

The puffer fish or “Fugu”.  “Seriously? Puffer fish is so cute, it seems harmless. What evil can do? ” Well, few people know that puffer fish is one of the most poisonous fish in the world, so dangerous that chefs who has to handle and cook it, must have a “license” of at least 5 years with which they can prove they have cooked and handled it all this time. If only a small dose of venom, content in fish liver, stomach and ovaries, touched its flesh and is ingested, the person would die in a matter of a few minutes.

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