
New York Cheesecake

New York Cheesecake is a very famous and appreciated cake all over the world now by most of the people. A seemingly simple sweet to make, it requires a few tips for its complete success.

New York Cheesecake is a very famous and appreciated cake all over the world now by most of the people. A seemingly simple sweet to make, it requires a few tips for its complete success.

It seemed to be a very popular dish in ancient Greecebut when it has been conquered by the Romans, this cake started to become famous quickly in most of Europe and later also in America. One of the most popular variants of this cake is the New York Cheesecake, the most basic version, cooked in the oven. There is also a non baking version of this cake, but the classic version, the New York one, remains the one and the only, for me.Interestingly, even Japan and Africa have their own version of this cake, but I will talk about them in my future posts.

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