

The foreign policy of Bolsonaro in the context of the coming elections

The institutional breakdown could hamper the possibility of Brazil to cooperate internationally with the region and beyond on key areas such as climate change, trade security and democracy-building

The US and China on the path to economic decoupling

The process is not irreversible and it won’t be quick, but it might lead to a very different world: more divided, more politically unstable and more expensive

Chile’s “rechazo”: the reasons behind it and the consequences for Boric

The document submitted for popular referendum on September 4th has proven to be too radical. Chileans want change, but they want a more moderate one than that proposed by the new constitution

Italian general elections: the forgotten 10% of voters who could overturn the results

In times where Italian politics is exceptionally unstable, with the looming victory of the far-right wing in the forthcoming National Elections, an extremely pressing and paradoxical, yet often overlooked issue stands out among the causes of radicalised results

It’s time to talk: Xi Jinping invites European leaders in China

China has officially sent invitations to prominent European leaders. The South China Morning Post confirms the source and recalls; however, that invitations still have to be accepted by them, making the following even more intriguing and appealing

China mourns Shinzo Abe’s death, but nationalists don’t forget

The fragmented reaction of China best represents the sentiment between the appreciation for a great statesman who has always tried to heal relationships with old neighbours and the hatred for an invading country that has committed war crimes

The power of the media: the focus and credibility of information in today’s world

The media, the hidden ruler of our lives and perceptions, takes us this time from the dark pandemic rooms of 2020 to the brutal war of 2022. But, what’s going on in the world apart from these two?

Turkey lifts veto on Finland and Sweden’s accession to NATO

For weeks Turkey and Greece have been veto holders for Finnish and Swedish accession to NATO. Now Ankara has lifted its veto, putting an end to long disputes

Karelia, Kola Peninsula: the importance of northern territories for Russia

From Finland, NATO forces would be able to threaten Russian military infrastructure in the Kola Peninsula and the arctic region, estimated to be one of the most nuclearized regions of the world

Finland’s accession to NATO may deadlock Russian ships in the Baltic Sea

Finnish and Swedish accession to NATO would entail several geopolitical endeavours, which could possibly prohibit Russian access to international waters through the Baltic Sea, along with exposing critical infrastructural vulnerabilities in Karelia


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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