
Perhaps the Celtic Tiger will now turn wise

The answer by which in mid-December the European Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, froze demands to comment - at the Irish Parliament - a letter that his predecessor Jean Claude Trichet sent, on November 19th 2010, to the then Finance Minister Brian Lenihan - encouraging the request for an European bailout occurred at the end of the same month, and from which the country came out only three years later - is not popular in Ireland, while stating impeccably: it is not expected that the ECB responds to member states’ elected assemblies, because it responds already, under the provided rules, to the European Parliament.

The answer by which in mid-December the European Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, froze demands to comment – at the Irish Parliament – a letter that his predecessor Jean Claude Trichet sent, on November 19th 2010, to the then Finance Minister Brian Lenihan – encouraging the request for an European bailout occurred at the end of the same month, and from which the country came out only three years later – is not popular in Ireland, while stating impeccably: it is not expected that the ECB responds to member states’ elected assemblies, because it responds already, under the provided rules, to the European Parliament.


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