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Digitalizzazione aziendale: tutto ciò che serve per entrare nel mercato online
Potrebbe sembrare scontato ma non tutti i negozi hanno ancora sviluppato l’identità digitale, elemento fondamentale in un mondo ormai dominato dalle tecnologie dove l’e-commerce è indispensabile per essere presenti sul mercato globale
Venerdì 31 maggio LUOGO ORARIO 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 SALA CONSILIARE –COMUNE DI CATANIA STEVE BANNON: MITO E REALTÀ SPEAKER Giovanni Moro – Presidente Fondaca Angelino Alfano – Ex Ministro dell’Interno e degli Affari Esteri MODERATORE Andrea Lodato – Caporedattore de La Sicilia I GIOVANI E LA POLITICA SPEAKER Alessandro Fusacchia – Segretario di Movimenta e parlamentare Andrea Venzon – Fondatore e Presidente di Volt Europa Giuseppe Ayala – Magistrato e parlamentare MODERATORE Giuseppe Scognamiglio – Direttore di Eastwest AULA MAGNA RETTORATO IL MULTILATERALISMOE LA PACE INTERNAZIONALE SPEAKER Mahmoud Gebril Elwarfally – Ex Primo Ministro della Libia Joschka Fischer – Ex Vice-Cancelliere tedesco MODERATORE Vincenzo Nigro – Inviato Esteri de La Repubblica LA CINA E LA GOVERNANCE GLOBALE SPEAKER Boris Tadic – Ex Presidente Repubblica della Serbia Angelino Alfano – Ex Ministro dell’Interno e degli Affari Esteri MODERATORE Danilo Taino – Inviato del Corriere della Sera AULA 3 RETTORATO PRESENTAZIONE LIBRO:LUMI DEL MEDITERRANEO SPEAKER Bruno Montanari – Professore di Filosofia del Diritto, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Catania Mario Martone – Regista Antonio Cecere – Scrittore e autore MODERATORE Salvatore Carrubba – Ex Direttore de Il Sole 24 Ore MIRAGGI DI PACE IN MEDIO ORIENTE SPEAKER Mahmoud Gebril Elwarfally – Ex Primo Ministro della Libia Imen Ben Mohamed – Parlamentare tunisina MODERATORE Vincenzo Nigro – Inviato Esteri de La Repubblica AULA 4RETTORATO CALCIO IERI E OGGI: ALLA RICERCA DEI VALORI PERDUTI SPEAKER Claudio Corbino – Presidente Associazione Diplomatici e CEO Eastwest European Institute INTERVISTA Marco Tardelli – Opinionista sportivo PRESENTAZIONE LIBRO:UNA E INDIVISIBILE SPEAKER Giuseppe Cerrone – Vice Prefetto Aggiunto Ida Nicotra – Professoressa di Diritto Costituzionale, Università di Catania Felice Giuffrè – Professore di Diritto Costituzionale, Università di Catania MODERATORE Giuseppe Vecchio – Preside Dipartimento Scienze Politiche di Catania Torna al Programma
Come nasce il Forum L’East Forum (nelle prime edizioni Venice Forum) nasce dalla necessità di creare un luogo di incontro internazionale dove esplorare temi e argomenti di discussione di politica europea e dalla necessità di rafforzare il ruolo di UniCredit come attore nel dibattito internazionale. Uno degli obiettivi del Forum è stato – in un certo numero di edizioni precedenti – contribuire al dibattito sull’integrazione dei futuri Stati membri in Europa. Gli argomenti trattati nelle scorse edizioni sono stati, tra gli altri, la politica energetica, la politica industriale, le migrazioni e gli accordi commerciali bilaterali. 2018 “Eastwest Forum 2018” 2017 “Digital Challenges” 2016 “The New Europe: Migrations, Integration and Security” 2015, “Global (Dis)Order: can international trade agreements revive growth?” 2014, “Growth and employment in the EU” 2013, “EU citizenship, Democratic Legitimacy and an Economic Union” 2012, “The Challenge of Economic Growth: New Approaches to Industrial Policy” 2011, “Competitive Growth for Quality Jobs” 2010, “Re-Thinking the present in order to design the future: choosing sustainability” 2009, “New Global Governance for Sustainable Growth” 2008, “Migration from a national, European and global perspective” 2007, “The European energy policy: enhancing security of supply by creating a single EU energy market?” 2006, “A new reason for Europe” East Forum Berlin 2016 – An economic area in transition – Shaping the future between Europe and the East 2015 – Opportunities for an economic area from Lisbon to Vladivostock 2014 – Opportunities for an economic area from Lisbon to Vladivostock 2013 – Opportunities for an economic area from Lisbon to Vladivostock
Università di Catania – Piazza Università 2 Catania Comune di Catania – Piazza Duomo 1 Catania Cinema Odeon – via Filippo Corridoni 19 Catania
Per partecipare al Festival Internazionale della Geopolitica Eastwest 2019 è necessario registrarsi compilando il formulario sottostante.
La social media policy illustra all’utenza le regole di comportamento da tenere negli spazi digitali del progetto Eastwest e indica quali contenuti e quali modalità di relazione ci si deve aspettare. Eastwest utilizza i social media con finalità istituzionali e di interesse generale per informare, comunicare, ascoltare e per favorire la partecipazione, il confronto e il dialogo con lettori, stakeholder, enti, associazioni e cittadini nell’ottica della trasparenza e della condivisione. CONTENUTI I contenuti pubblicati comprendono comunicazioni sulle attività e i servizi erogati, comunicati stampa, pubblicazioni e documenti ufficiali, novità, informazioni su iniziative ed eventi, immagini e video, articoli di interesse generale sulle tematiche trattate dal portale I canali social vengono utilizzati inoltre per raccogliere commenti, richieste, domande, critiche e suggerimenti. Sfruttando le opportunità tipiche di questi servizi, Eastwest può condividere e rilanciare occasionalmente contenuti e messaggi di pubblico interesse e utilità realizzate da soggetti terzi. I canali social producono propri contenuti testuali, fotografie, infografiche, video e altri materiali multimediali che sono da considerarsi in licenza Creative Commons CC BYND 3.0, possono essere riprodotti liberamente, ma devono sempre essere accreditati al canale originale di riferimento. L’eventuale presenza di spazi pubblicitari nei canali social utilizzati da Eastwest non sono sotto il controllo della rivista, ma gestiti in autonomia dal social network. MODERAZIONE I canali social del portale vengono moderati in orari di ufficio (fuso orario GMT +1, Roma). La moderazione da parte del team sociale all’interno dei propri spazi avviene a posteriori, ovvero in un momento successivo alla pubblicazione, ed è finalizzata unicamente al contenimento di eventuali comportamenti contrari alle norme d’uso. I canali social del progetto NON possono essere utilizzati per pubblicare post e commenti/contenuti che siano discriminatori o offensivi nei confronti di altri utenti, presenti o meno alla discussione, di enti, associazioni, aziende o di chi gestisce e modera i canali social, per nessuna ragione. Non saranno tollerati insulti, turpiloquio, minacce o atteggiamenti che ledano la dignità personale, i diritti delle minoranze e dei minori, i principi di libertà e uguaglianza. In ogni caso, saranno rimossi dall’amministratore tutti i post, i commenti o i materiali multimediali che: hanno un contenuto politico/propagandistico; mirano a promuovere attività commerciali e con finalità di lucro; presentano un linguaggio inappropriato e/o un tono minaccioso, violento, volgare o irrispettoso; presentano contenuti illeciti o di incitamento a compiere attività illecite; hanno contenuti offensivi, ingannevoli, allarmistici, o in violazione di diritti di terzi; divulgano dati e informazioni personali o che possono cagionare danni o ledere la reputazione a terzi; presentano contenuti a carattere osceno, pornografico o pedopornografico, o tale da offendere la morale comune e la sensibilità degli utenti; hanno un contenuto discriminatorio per genere, razza, etnia, lingua, credo religioso, opinioni politiche, orientamento sessuale, età, condizioni personali e sociali; promuovono o sostengono attività illegali, che violano il copyright o che utilizzano in modo improprio un marchio registrato; sono classificabili come spam; non sono inerenti ai temi/punti di vista trattati. Eastwest si riserva il diritto di rimuovere qualsiasi contenuto che venga ritenuto in violazione di questa social media policy o di qualsiasi legge applicabile. Per chi dovesse violare queste condizioni o quelle contenute nelle policy degli strumenti adottati ci si riserva il diritto di usare il ban o il blocco per impedire ulteriori interventi e di segnalare l’utente ai responsabili della piattaforma ed eventualmente alle forze dell’ordine preposte.
Puoi trovare eastwest in edicola* Italia Trovate la rivista in edicola e libreria a Roma e Milano e, solo in libreria, in altre 30 città Roma Cava de’ Tirreni Feltrinelli – Cosenza Mondadori – Marcianise (Caserta) Feltrinelli – Napoli (3 punti vendita: Stazione, via Cappella Vecchia, via Tommaso D’Aquino) Feltrinelli – Salerno Feltrinelli – Bologna Feltrinelli – Ferrara Feltrinelli – Modena Feltrinelli – Parma Feltrinelli – Ravenna Mondadori – Roma (2 punti vendita: via dei Gracchi, via Appia Nuova) Feltrinelli – Roma (2 punti: largo Argentina, via E. Orlando) Mondadori – La Romanina Mondadori – Lunghezza Mondadori – Fiumicino Feltrinelli – Genova Mondadori – Arese Feltrinelli – Brescia Mondadori – Vimercate (M3) Feltrinelli – Milano (8 punti: P. Gae Aulenti, via Manzoni, via Raffaello Sanzio, via Tadino, Corso Buenos Aires, via Dogana, P. Piemonte, via Foscolo) Rizzoli – Milano Galleria Feltrinelli – Varese Feltrinelli – Ancona Mondadori -Torino (2 punti: via Monte di Pietà, P. Castello) Feltrinelli – Bari Feltrinelli – Lecce Feltrinelli – Palermo Mondadori – Palermo Feltrinelli – Catania Mondadori – Campi Bisenzio (Fi) Feltrinelli – Firenze Feltrinelli – Pisa Feltrinelli – Verona Galla 1880 – Vicenza Feltrinelli – Padova Feltrinelli – Mestre Feltrinelli – Treviso Belgio Bruxelles Germania Berlino Turchia Ankara Grecia Atene Giappone Tokio Svizzera Berna * i dati vengono aggiornati bimestralmente e sono soggetti a variazione Richiedi il tuo abbonamento per ricevere l’ultimo numero Austria Belgio Bulgaria Svizzera Repubblica Ceca Germania Spagna Francia Spagna Ungheria Croazia Paesi Bassi Portogallo Polonia Ucraina Romania Russia Serbia Regno Unito Egitto Stati Uniti Hong Kong India Singapore Cina Turchia
WELCOME VIDEO WORKSHOP AGENDA Download the Workshop updated Agenda ORGANIZATION CREW Jasenka Bernfest Jasenka works in CEE Best Practice Sharing, lives and works in Vienna. She likes arts and numbers therefore finding creative voice in banking. Together with Ruslan and Aleks she is creating videos and connecting people. She loves trekking, Games of Thrones and purple colour. Niccolò Ceci Niccolo sweats to improve the Employer Branding and the development of our Human Capital in UniCredit’s CEE Division, from Vienna. He’s usually the annoying guy that either finds the solution or the problem. He’s a terrible photographer, but insists in taking pics of his travels. Please someone tell him. Valentina Cvitkovic Valentina is Business Manager to Head of CEE Division, coming from Zagreb and currently living in Vienna. She likes numbers and team work. Always happy to learn new things, adopting quickly to changes and a big fan of Agile. Aleksandar Delmo Aleks currently lives and works in Vienna contributing to the sharing of the best practices within UniCredit. Eclectic interests span from meaningful innovation, fintech, communication, social causes, international development etc. in an attempt to understand and keep pace with changing world. Fabrizia Falzetti She lives and works in Rome where she is managing director of Eastwest European Institute and Chief Coordinator of the eastwest magazine newsroom. She is also a film producer and has a long working and living experience in the Middle East. Todor Kondev Todor is CEE Digital Collaboration Expert, coming from Bulgaria, now established in Vienna. He’s a strange combination of mathematical tidiness and art-like creativity. He likes electronics, photography and video games. You can often see him running in the parks of Vienna. The rest of his non-working time he spends with his wife and 2-year son. Mojca Kovac Mojca is a Head of CEE Internal Communications, living between Milano and Ljubljana. She is an energetic, can-do person, always looking for new challenges in different areas of banking. She loves sports, movie nights and travel blogs. Theresa Lindo Theresa Lindo heads marketing and commercial activities for the Eastwest European Institute. She’s American, has lived all over Western Europe and the Americas, and currently lives in Rome. She’s a book worm and soccer mom who loves to travel, study languages, sing, binge on Netflix, and latin dance. Ruslan Nafikov Ruslan is Head of CEE Best Practice Sharing, lives and works in Vienna. Likes numbers and order, creates videos, records podcasts and connects people. Always wanted to be a rock star, but never tried (so far). Riccardo Zaniboni Riccardo is a member of CEE Agile team, mostly living in Vienna (but you can also bump into him in many Eastern European capitals lately). He´s determined to make processes leaner and guarantee we work by the Agile principles. Fascinated by innovation, but non sei always an early adopter. He loves rock music (both playing and listening), watching football and traveling. Nikolina Zecic Nikolina is Head of CEE Digital Collaboration in UniCredit, currently living in Vienna. She attended Hogwarts but for Muggles she finished University of Economics and Business. She’s always loved the digital world, and she is especially interested in connecting banking and digital dots. YOUR TEAMS Each workshop team consists of 4 student participants (you!) and 1-2 UniCredit employees – Customer Experience Coaches.Download the list of the Teams USEFUL MATERIALS This section contains your pre-workshop team assignment, which must be completed and submitted prior to the workshop. It is expected that each team splits the activities to cover all 3 parts of the assignment Interview Guide (Word version) Observation Guide (Word version) User Testing Guide (Word version) How the Journey could be presented – one of the many options
Terms and Conditions – Workshop
Schedule 2 Overview UniCredit S.p.A, Zweigniederlassung Wien, Rothschildplatz 4, 1020 Vienna, Austria (the “Company”) in the wider UniCredit Group project named “DesiGenZ” is running an innovation program and competition (the “Event”) in collaboration with EASTWEST EUROPEAN INSTITUTE SRL, a company with headquarters registered at Via Gregorio VII 368, Rome 00165, Italy ) (the “Organiser”). The aim of the Event is to facilitate the rapid creation of innovative solutions for real-life business cases The Event is a free, collaborative brainstorming, designing and doing event. Neither the Company nor the Organiser have any obligation to use the solutions or ideas created at the Event or to buy or otherwise contract with participants. Participants may receive mentoring and pitch training during the Event. Teams may be formed during or prior to the Event. The Event should be considered public. News and media of the Event, participants, teams and solutions created may be circulated on social media and in the press. Who can join? Participants must be between the age of 20 and 26 (included) years old and dispose of a valid permission to study in Italy (if required) to attend. Proof of date of birth or the permission to study may be requested. The Company and the Organiser reserve the right to refuse entry, or remove and disqualify any participant from the Event at their sole discretion at any time for any reason. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Event at any time for any reason. To take part in the Event you must register on a website set by the Organiser. The number of participants is limited and the Company may close registration at any time. Unless otherwise stated by the Company, the Organiser is responsible for all costs associated with the participants’ attendance at the Event including but non sei limited to transport and accommodation. Applications from employees or other personnel contractually affiliated with any entity within UniCredit Group1 will non sei be accepted. Any participants from UniCredit Group shall be hand-selected and may take part in the Event by invitation only. Intellectual Property By taking part in the Event and accepting the above mentioned general rules, each participant: declares and represents that each idea or solution she/he presents is original and does non sei violate – partly or totally – intellectual and industrial property rights in any way. Declaring that, the Company and its controlled companies are free from any legal responsibility, liability, and request of reparation or indemnity that would be raised by third parties; is aware of the fact that possible publication by the Company of an idea or solution on websites or social media platforms will give the project a massive online visibility. Considering that, the Company is free from any legal responsibility in case of use/abuse of the idea and its possible development and realisation by third parties and shall non sei respond to any request of reparation or indemnity that would be raised by its authors. obliges him/herself that she/he shall non sei infringe any copyright, design, database right, trademark or any other intellectual property right of any third party. In any case, the participants shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any liability, obligation, cost, expense or request that may be advanced by third parties in relation to the violation referred to in the previous paragraphs. For the duration of the Event and after its expiration or termination for whatever reason or cause, the information regarding the Company possibly used by the participants for executing the Event shall in all cases remain the exclusive property of the Company. It is forbidden for the participants to use corporate names, trademarks, trade names, website domain names, logos, facts or any information that identifies the Company other than for the purposes for participating in the Event. The company names, trademarks, trade names, logos, website domain names, facts, information etc. possibly used by the participants in the participation to the Event, are and remain the exclusive property of the Company that remains the sole and exclusive owner of the same. Conditions of registration and participation in the Event To take part in UniCredit Event competition, you must register and fill out all parts of the application form available online at between the morning of 1st October and midnight of 24th October 2018. Because the Event is an international competition and requires detailed organization, by applying you indicate your serious intent to participate, if selected. Accommodation, lunch, dinner, coffee and other refreshments will be provided to contributing Participants for the duration of the Event The Organizer reserves itself the right to lengthen or shorten the deadlines for the application process without previous notice. By registering for and participating in the Event participants: agree to abide by these terms and conditions agree non sei to hold the Company nor the Organisers liable for any loss or damages of any kind in connection with the Event or prizes agree that the decision of the judges selected by the Company is final in relation to any prizes that may be awarded agree that their name, image, likeness, photographs, video and description of their applications may be used by the Company and the Organisers on their websites, in promotional material and in any publicity accompanying or resulting from the Event including but non sei limited to any press, blogs or articles on social media agree non sei to use or promote offensive or illegal material in their applications agree that their participation in the Event will non sei breach any duty of confidentiality or contractual rights owed by any third party allow the Company and the Organiser and other participants to publish and share details and screenshots / demonstration videos of their ideas and/or solutions on the web and other media. acknowledge and accept that in order to participate at the Event a pre-condition consisting of signing of the Participation Agreement (substantially in the form as enclosed to this T&C) has to be fulfilled. acknowledges that incomplete application forms and/or applications that contain untrue information will result in an immediate exclusion from the competition. acknowledges that registration to the competition does non sei automatically constitute confirmation of selection to participate in the Event. Selected participants will receive an e-mail with notice of acceptance by 31 October 2018 at the latest. The participants will be chosen by the Organizer and/or the Company based on materials submitted via their application form and other application materials. The decision of the Organizer and/or the Company is final and may non sei be contested. The number of participants selected is the sole discretion of the Organizer and the Company. Based on the applications, the Organizer and the Company will select the participants and assemble the teams. However, each member of the team must register individually and sign the Participation Agreement individually. Teams will generally consist of 5 members but may vary depending on the final number of the selected applicants. The composition of teams and number of members assigned to each team are at the sole discretion of the Organizer and the Company. The Organizer will inform the participants of a preliminary composition of teams by 5 November 2018 at the latest. The preliminary composition of teams may be subject to change. The final composition of teams shall be determined by the Organizer on the first day of the Event i.e. 13 November 2018. Event Rules Entries and their scoring together with the rest of the Event Rules shall form an inherent part of the Participation Agreement. Each participant agrees to abide by the Event Rules by agreeing to and signing of the Participation Agreement. Awards A jury, composed by judges appointed by the Organizer and the Company, shall award the winning teams with monetary prizes as follows: Gross 8.500,00 EUR in total, divided into Gross EUR 5.000,00 – 1st Place Gross EUR 2.500,00 – 2nd Place Gross EUR 1.000,00 – 3rd Place All amounts are calculated as gross amounts and are subject to deductions resulting from applicable taxes or other applicable encumbrances. Selected exceptional individuals will be offered an internship opportunity. Selection shall be made at sole discretion of the Company. The Company reserves a right to adjust or modify the prizes above. The Company may further co-operate to take any idea produced in the Event into production environment and/or to further develop such idea. The Company reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Italy and subject to the jurisdiction of the respective Courts in Rome. 1
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