

Media and its influence on our perception of the world

Why do some topics, like the currently still ongoing war in Ukraine, get more attention from our media, and therefore also from the readers? And what are the issues that arise as a result of this?

Energy independence and the “pipeline of democracies”

EastMed gas pipeline is not solely a piece of infrastructure. It is a physical link between the countries it crosses causing several geopolitical tensions. But it could also trigger a new season of cooperation and shared prosperity in the EU. How to reconcile economics with geopolitics?

Blockade of Ukraine’s ports and the possible food crisis

With the war in Ukraine, most ports have been closed, seriously affecting exports. Millions of tons of wheat and corn are waiting to be shipped all over the world. 44 milion people are at risk of famine, the World Food Programme warns

Algeria is expected to become Italy’s top gas supplier

Last Monday the Italian government signed an agreement with the Algerian government to increase the supply of natural gas starting from the next months. What are the possible implications of this agreement within the Mediterranean area?

International law and global institutions: effective means in the fight against Putin?

The suspension of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council constitutes another international response to Putin’s war crimes. But Russia’s veto power continues to hinder the UN Security Council. Does international law only include symbolic value, a lack of consensus and no legally binding power?

Enter the Red Dragon: the port of Piraeus as China’s gateway to the Mediterranean

The Chinese investment in Piraeus has been challenging the geopolitical equilibrium in Europe. However, will European leaders be strong enough to balance the need of a trade partnership with China and the safeguard of political, environmental and economic stability?

The new and unseen face of Poland

Poland is now in the forefront of the counter-offensive to Putin’s Russia. The reputation as the troublemaker fades into the background, as the country becomes the linchpin of the West’s response to Russian aggression against Ukraine

Ukraine: a new EU Member State?

Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainians have been asking to join the EU while Member States are undecided on how to behave. A fast entrance into EU seems to be impossible betraying unsolved integration issues

EU and China between CAI and human rights. A test for the future trajectory

A result of the new perspective created by “The EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda” is represented by the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, a proposed investment deal between China and EU

The historic firsts of the Russo-Ukrainian war

One month into Russian invasion, the future of Ukraine still hangs in the balance, but what is certain is that this war already represents a watershed event in world history. What were the most notable firsts of this war? How is the war changing the world we live in?


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo