

Alitalia to be nationalized again

The “Cura Italia” decree includes provisions to nationalize the Italian flag carrier after years on the verge of bankruptcy and failed privatization attempts. 500 millions of euros of public funds have been granted to support the airline

Coronavirus infects air travel

Air travel is going through a historical crisis: cancelled flights, early retirements, unpaid leaves of absence and layoffs. It is hard to say when the sector will go back to normal

Mario Draghi, Special Commissioner for Europe

We all need the return of Super Mario. The Coronavirus poses not only a health emergency but also a political and economic one. Sign the petition!

Call on Europe

A leadership crisis

The British educational system produces ambitious and pugnacious leaders who can’t handle uncertainty and compromises. After university, they have to win every argument

The return of reason

The halved spread provides the government with the necessary breathing space to introduce the much awaited cuts to taxes and labour dues

The Italian experiment

Democratic Party and Five Star Movement are engaged in a major step in their evolution and designing their future even by reforming the electoral law

Short crisis, long government

Italian Republican history suggests that the longer a crisis the more unstable the government. It took just two weeks to replace Conte 1 with Conte 2

5SM: death and resurrection?

From hunting zombies to running the country. The splatter “fan” must now act responsibly. The Salvini shock has led to a metamorphosis

Conte’s second marriage

Salvini’s tactical own goal has revived a political virtuous circle. Europe and the Atlantic partnership are cornerstones


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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