
Coronavirus, China: the healthcare crisis

Coronavirus, China: today we are fully witnessing the crisis in the Chinese health system. So, instead of looking for unreal conspiracies, let's analyze its inefficiencies

The country where all this has begun is not among the ones which are best managing the current crisis: some observers, for a while, have been impressed by the Chinese forceful methods, and they suggested that maybe a dictatorship would dispose of better instruments to defeat a pandemic. The authoritarian nature of the Beijing regime, however, has imposed to its people much more brutality than necessary, despite the health emergency.

It is quite difficult to recall what happened in China, because of the strict control that Beijing wants to impose on the available information – an effort to which Chinese authorities seem more committed to than containing the virus spread. In trying to analyse the Chinese answer to the crisis, it is inevitable to come upon remarkable dark spots, confirming that Beijing government consider as crucial to manage what its population knows, and how it uses this knowledge.

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