
Covid-19: social, economic and geopolitical impact

Upon the Silk Council President's request, Sino-Italian lawyer Lifang Dong, eastwest is pleased to publish an interview that reconstructs the stages of the Covid-19 crisis and the supporting measures adopted by all governments. Among the interviewees are Italian geopolitics experts, including Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Editor of eastwest

Upon the Silk Council President’s request, Sino-Italian lawyer Lifang Dong, eastwest is pleased to publish an interview that reconstructs the stages of the Covid-19 crisis and the supporting measures adopted by all governments. Among the interviewees are Italian geopolitics experts, including Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Editor of eastwest

Covid-19: Social, Economic and Geopolitical Impact

Between April 8 and 9, 2020, Silk Council interviewed some Italian parliamentarians, ambassadors, professors, journalists and experts about the potential social, economic and geopolitical impact of the Coronavirus pandemic at national, European and international level. The results of the analysis are reported below.

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