
Halloween’s cakes: simple cookies and masters of carving

On 31st of October each year, world prepares to celebrate one of the most “scary” events on the calendar: Halloween. Many believe that Halloween was born in America, but they are wrong. Halloween is a celebration created in Anglo-Saxon territory whose name comes to life from a Scottish variant of All-Hallows-Eve ", i.e. the night before all Saints Day.

On 31st of October each year, world prepares to celebrate one of the most “scary” events on the calendar: Halloween. Many believe that Halloween was born in America, but they are wrong. Halloween is a celebration created in Anglo-Saxon territory whose name comes to life from a Scottish variant of All-Hallows-Eve “, i.e. the night before all Saints Day.

Now this festival is celebrated in every corner of the world, especially by children, with the classic door to door from house to house yelling “Trick or treat”?

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