
The suffered Caucasus’ march toward the peace

The conflict in Nagorno Karabakh started thirty-two years ago. It is time to create indispensable premises for the future of a trustworthy peace

It takes true courage to respond to your country’s appeal to take up the arms, leave commodity of your own home and go fighting for liberation in the midst of mud and cold. But it takes an immense wisdom to leave aside those very same arms, preventing civil casualties and terror, and go siting at the table of negotiations with your adversaries no matter how unreachable the consensus may seem.

The OSCE Minsk Group

On September 27th the failed attempt of the OSCE Minsk Group to establish the peace re-emerged to the surface of international news, exploiting the negligence of the international community engaged in coping with unprecedented consequences of global coronavirus emergency and focused on the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. But the international community is not the only one to blame for developments in the faraway Nagorno Karabakh, the responsibility also belongs (or at least should belong) to respective governments in conflict which have continually failed to reconcile conflicting perceptions of what the peace should entail. And that unattainable peace itself seems to be lost somewhere in between strategic economy-projecting of South Caucasus Pipeline, (dis)information war and legacy of unrewarded genocide which profoundly shaped geopolitical equilibrium and partnerships in the Caucasus region.

The past conflicts

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