
Dark clouds forming east of Berlin

Germany has sponsored the development of Eastern Europe, but now, with its growing economies and nationalisms, the East is looking to the West but not to the European Union

Leaders of Visegrad countries Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Czech Republic's Prime Minister Andrej Babis, Slovakia’s Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini are welcomed by European Council President Donald Tusk in Brussels, Belgium May 28, 2019. Oliver Hoslet/Pool via REUTERS

Germany has sponsored the development of Eastern Europe, but now, with its growing economies and nationalisms, the East is looking to the West but not to the European Union

In 2018 the EU’s GDP increased overall by 2%. However, in Poland it grew by 5.1%, a little more than Hungary (+4.9%), Latvia (+4.8%) or Slovenia (+4.5%). Slovakia grew by 4.1%, Estonia by 3.9%, Lithuania by 3.5% and the Czech Republic by 3%. A fluke? In 2013 the ratio between the European aggregate and the region stretching from the Balkans to the Carpathians was similar, even though the macro-economic outlook was worse: the EU GDP rose by just 0.3%, but the growth in the three Baltic countries hovered between 2 and 3%, in Budapest it stood at 2.1% and in Warsaw at 1.4%. In 2008, compared to a modest 0.5% on a European level, the Czech economy was growing at five times that rate and the Polish one eight times. Despite the usual accelerations and slow downs, local crises and ephemeral booms, the countries between the Baltic and Mitteleuropa have recorded outstanding rates of growth ever since they entered the EU. A well-rooted success with a few dark areas, and considerable political consequences.

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