
Iraq: the political brotherhood of Pope Francis

The Pope's visit to Iraq contains a political message not only addressed to Christians but to all minorities and has a symbolic importance that the enthusiasm of people has understood

The Pope’s visit to Iraq contains a political message not only addressed to Christians but to all minorities and has a symbolic importance that the enthusiasm of people has understood

At the Baghdad International Airport many signs greeted the historic visit of the Holy Father last week. Next to the images of Pope Francis, pictures of General Qassem Soleimani head of the Quds Force and PMU Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes filled a plasma screen. Both were killed by a US drone on the road to the airport. The relevance of these two figures cannot be underestimated, similarly the political message of the Pope’s interreligious pilgrimage should not be read solely as a sign of solidarity for the Christian community. It is intended for all minorities, such as the Yazidis and all of the Iraqi people.

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