
Cuba: the health excellence

Cuba: the national health system guarantees care and prevention for the population. A scientific power at the service of world emergencies and calamities

The arrival in Crema, Lombardy, of 35 Cuban doctors and nurses, arrived in order to support the strife against Covid-19, surprised many people in Italy, despite the fact that it has not to be considered an extraordinary event. Indeed, Cuban doctors are at work, currently, in 31 States in the world. However, it is the first time that are sent to face a health emergency in a European country. The global engagement of Cuba in the health sector finds its roots in the very beginnings of the 1959 socialist revolution.

The global engagement of Cuba in health emergencies

The Caribbean nation at that time had about 6,000 doctors, almost all settled in Havana, at the service of the rich US tourists. After the revolution, half of them abandoned Cuba, where a consequent health crisis exploded. The commander Ernesto Che Guevara, doctor and revolutionary, laid the foundations of a national health system, which, for the first time, would have had to address the needs of the poorer and rural areas. In Che Guevara’s opinion, the scope of the revolutionary doctor, and of public medical science, was to “not think about profit, but to take into account only the single individual wealth, in relationship with the community’s one”, with a vision that included also education, alimentation and work.

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