
Tehran’s nuclear

The resumption of uranium enrichment by Iran worries above all about the foreseeable nuclear race of the other regional powers

Is Iran a few months, maybe a year, away from having enough fissile material to build its first atomic bomb? Since the 6th of January, when Iran announced the resumption “without limits” of uranium enrichment, the evaluations about the time that Teheran needs to complete its nuclear program – started in 1967 with the cooperation of the United States, which donated to the Reza Pahlavi’s regime a 5 MW experimental nuclear reactor – have become increasingly alarming.

The most worried ones – which, however, are also the stakeholders with the highest interest in exaggerating the risk of Iran getting the “bomb” – are, without a doubt, the American and the Israeli security services. At the time of the signing of the Treaty on the atomic program (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action JCPoA), they both estimated that Iran was only two months away from having the necessary fissile material to realize an atomic warhead.

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