
Soul Kitchen

Yeast: what they are and cooking uses

Yeasts are microscopic fungi that proliferate very well in “environments” loaded with sugar or complex carbohydrates. In nature there are thousands of yeast, used for many different things.

Edible flowers: good and bad ones

Have you ever read or saw, live rather than in a virtual way, recipes that contains flowers in their ingredients? I do, many times. It’s in spring that the whole worl wide web and restaurants are unleashed with colorful and delicious recipes, where fresh flowers are the masters.

Potato: a tuber as old as the world

Potatoes are born about 8000 years ago in South America. At that time it was thought that these pale yellow and fairly neutral flavor tubers, were excellent natural remedies against certain types of skin irritations: the tuber infact was rubbed in the affected parts by irritation to try to alleviate the discomfort immediately (this practice is also used today for sunburn as a home remedy).

Street food: a simple food at your fingertips

Street food is definitely one of my favorite food. Almost everyone knows it but for those who still does not know what street food is, I’m going to explain it in a few simple words. The name in itself helped you already to understand what we are talking about. Street food in fact was never as famous as nowadays thanks to television programs, events and food bloggers who talk about it and its hail goodness. In fact all street food is very good because of its simplicity and its cost which is almost always cheap.

Vanilla, an all-purpose spice

Vanilla is a spice that many of us ate at least once in their lifetime. In desserts is an essential ingredient to enhance the taste and aroma but perhaps few people know that vanilla can also be used for many other purposes.

Meatballs: everyone loves them

Meatballs are a tipical dish that everyone of us ate, at least once in our lives. The birth of meatballs have taken place around 1400, in the “Libro de Arte Coquinaria” wrote by the Chamberlain of Aquileia’s chef at that time.

A brief history about tea and some curiosity.

Tea, one of the oldest beverages in the world. Its history is full of curiosity and mystery. In fact there are many versions that attribute tea birth’s dates back to about 5000 years ago, in this or that event.

Breakfast around the world

Not long ago I wrote you about the full English breakfast, a typical dish that British love to have to start their day. But have you ever wondered what are other usual breakfasts around the World? Let’s discover them together.

What the world eat during Christmas Eve?

Christmas Eve is coming and lot of us are already heating up stoves to make lots of tasty treats to celebrate the most beautiful day of the year. Have you ever wondered, however, how they celebrate Christmas around the world? No? Let’s find out together then.

Salmon: a great vitamin and well-being source

Salmon is a food that many of us are about to eat and cook during our Christmas holidays. Maybe  you already know some, but I’m going to list some key features about this fish which, besides being delicious, it is also healthy and really really good as well.


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo