

Coronavirus, there is no conspiracy!

Conspiracy theories are fruit of an emotional, irrational approach to current problems. Let us reinstate reason over fear

The world after Covid? (Almost) the same

Once the health crisis is over, we will resume our former life. With a few changes. Introduction to the latest issue of Eastwest, in newsstands today

Covid-19: social, economic and geopolitical impact

Upon the Silk Council President’s request, Sino-Italian lawyer Lifang Dong, eastwest is pleased to publish an interview that reconstructs the stages of the Covid-19 crisis and the supporting measures adopted by all governments. Among the interviewees are Italian geopolitics experts, including Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Editor of eastwest

Coronavirus, Africa: international aid needed

Coronavirus: Africa needs more international aids to deal with the Covid-19 emergency. The country is strengthening its healthcare structures but it needs help

America first and the sovereign citizens

Leaders chase patriotic citizens, renouncing to rule phenomena. The coronavirus condemns the sovereigns to rethink the model

The Covid-19 has arrived in Africa and no one is ready

Coronavirus: in Africa the daily subsistence is under threat. In a continent where every year people die from AIDS, respiratory diseases and malaria, the response to COVID-19 must be different

A drone for hell

The end of Soleimani reveals the latent Iran-US conflict, capable of triggering various unexpected events: from a bloody collision to a diplomatic agreement

Tehran’s nuclear

The resumption of uranium enrichment by Iran worries above all about the foreseeable nuclear race of the other regional powers

The Iranian soft power

After the American invasion of Iraq, Tehran has strengthened its appeal by exploiting relations with local military and religious actors

Trump’s Schizophrenia

It will not be easy to return to the position of a balanced superpower but the hope of witnessing as soon as possible the end of Trump’s schizophrenic foreign policy puts a great responsibility on his competitors


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo