

Myanmar: between civil disobedience and military coup

The situation in Myanmar is now near catastrophe. In its fifth week of bloodshed, the Military Regime is unable to calm the protests and the message from China seems like a pass to use force

WHO: healthcare is a geopolitical issue

Both emergency management and vaccine production are pretexts for national propaganda and recrimination. It is crucial that WHO recovers a primary role in healthcare

Covid: WHO’s next

The WHO is the only organization that will protect us from future pandemics, but its success will depend on the willingness of states to cooperate

Biden’s energy transition

With Biden, a new clean energy revolution has begun. His green package would accelerate the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables, but not without some problems

A meaningful Conference on the Future of Europe

The arrival of the vaccine against the Covid-19 virus is potentially a great step toward a possible return to normality. But the future of EU is still dotted with great challenges

The EU is more than an economy

Whereas the EU was born out of the reconciliation of diverse, national economic interests, its development over time has proven to exceed the economic sphere

“Protect, prepare and transform Europe”: the EU Commission report

In May 2020 the European Commission released the report “Protect, prepare and transform Europe”, in which is expressed the need of building a sustainable Europe

Covid: Recovery Fund is needed for the EU recovery

The Next Generation EU will emphasise the importance and responsibility Member States have, not just to protect and recover their economies but also their citizens

Will the EU learn from its mistakes?

The European Union has to establish cooperation and solidarity beyond economic issues, in order to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. Will the EU Member States unite towards a common goal?

Covid: the EU battle for grants and loans

The Covid crisis united Europe around the Recovery Fund and hopefully will trigger the necessary reforms in the Member States for a brighter future


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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